yay!! more comments...which means MORE SHOUT OUTS!!
LeeAnne, I give you total props for being balsey enough to dish it out to me. The discourse between us was really fun for both me and my viewers. I'm glad the "XXX FREE KINKY PORN XXX" caught your eye...hehe. Anyhow, I hope that school is going well up in good ol' Canada. Correct me if I am wrong, but in your tag board message, you did spell "definitely" wrong. ;) I just watched "Love Actually"--definetely a Must See. take care, LeeAnne, and bundle up! I don't want you getting sick.
And, for the second: Laura Cheung
Laura, even though i was unable to decipher which of the many Laura's you were from the one inch comment you left, I am glad that you came forward about being Laura Cheung. You have THE nicest handwriting I have ever seen (which says a lot) and you have long pretty black hair. Your Chinese is gonna be bangin in no time, and no one else can truly put the "show" in shower...if you get my drift...hehehe
Joe. you are so hot. don't ever forget that.
anywhoo, my day today consisted of lab at noon, getting my sophomore advisor slip signed at 4, back to lab again, rendezvous with Bookie and Ollie, back to the lab AGAIN, mafia with 'cello, AND to hufflepuff's room for "Love Actually." I have mixed feelings about the movie: first off, for being about "love" there wasn't enough hard core, boot-knocking sex. i must say, on the movie's behalf, that it was filmed in england, and they don't really know what love is about. the movie starts out being "love boring"...slowly, it evolves into "love not really"...finally climaxing at "love sort of" and ending with "LOVE ACTUALLY". it was so hot. it's got about 100 different endings (very Lord of the Rings-ish) but i found it, in the end, very fulfilling...like a good 1 hour binge before purging.
K.Rap, BR '07, is a little kinky...here's our little IM discourse:
KRAP: yo dorkus
Auto response from Joe: at the lab...making kinky sex toys out of scrap metal.
KRAP: ohhh,....sounds like fun
KRAP: can i test some out for you?
AND...on that note...i'm out like trout