don't look at me. i'm fat.

Thursday, July 31, 2003


yeah! me soo happy! today, i went thrifting with tam tam and eeemuuu. tam tam picked me up (off Nolensville Rd where i work nights), and we went to eat @ sonic and then eeemuu called and we all got into the menagerie of three--yeah buddy...you better believe it! at southern thrift, i picked up a hella-tight kid's baseball T that says "Astros" and a thick, brown, water proof coat and a blue rain coat/poncho type deal. i am excited. i love wearing wintery clothes!! i'm collecting on my...uhh...collection of jackets, scarfs (perfect for scarfing...if you know what i mean...tehehe) and beanies/hats. i like winter clothes b/c they make me look thicker...instead of a puny waif.

you better watch out, yale...i'm going to be sooo fashionable, you won't know what to do with yourself (...except touch yourself...which, in theory, would be relatively tittilating).

actually, i'll be the cheap nobody when i'm at yale. i have no Northface or Patagonia attire...*weeps* that is, unless, they have a Patagonia and/or Northface up in New Haven that lacks any...erg...security cameras...hehe

still waiting for my roommie to get a hold of me...is that too much to ask? am i over zealous? i think not. (i love answering rhetorical questions that i answer back to my self for reassurance).

just in case you were wondering, the answer is YES...the "yale" is more than just a university in New Haven...in fact, it is:

an antelope-like beast about the size of a horse with tusks, long horns, and the tail of a lion or goat. The horns were able to swivel independently and are virtually always shown parted rather than parallel.

it was hard for me to imagine this, but it seems to look much like the creature called "Big 'n' Tasty". for those of you who know what the "Big 'n' Tasty" is, i bet you will all agree.

according to some dead latin (latin...like "Rico Suave" and "Ricky Martin" and "SHAKIRRRA") guy named Pliny who wrote the "Book of Pliny the Elder's Natural History" (aka "Some Dead Guy's Stupid, Otherkin-like Bullshit"), the "yale" was originally spelled "eale", back in the good ol' days when the candyman only charged a nickel and a blow job for a chocolate bar *reminisces*...but wait!--there's shmoooore:

They have among them besides all these, another beast named Eale, for bignesse equal to the river-horse, tailed like to an Elephant, either blacke or reddish tawnie of colour: his mandibles or chawes resemble those of a bore: he hath hornes above a cubit long, which he can stirre or moove as hee list; for being in fight, hee can set them both or one of them as hee will himselfe, altering them every way; one while streight forward to offend, other whiles bending byas, as he hath reason to nort or push, to ward or avoid his enemie.

...wow. that makes no sense. thanks for nothing, Pliny the Gayer...mwahah! TACITE CELERRITER!! (sp?) CANTATE CUM MAGISTRAA, anyone??

strangely enough, this description evokes a rich and vivid imaginational picture of Big C...Jackie Calvert, if you will (Jackie was his god-given Christian name). does anyone else agree? such words as "bignesse", "river-horse", "bore", "he hath hornes", and "byas" (old fashion way of spelling 'bia') evoke such thoughts.

Magistra (known as "Mandy" by night), i have linked the site up there...have a blast with it, because all the shit is written in latin. heck! i'll cut out the middle man, just translate it from here:

(hanc feram humanas voces tradunt imitari. apud eosdem et quae vocatur eale, magnitudine equi fluviatilis, cauda elephanti, colore nigra vel fulva, maxillis apri, maiora cubitalibus cornua habens mobilia, quae alterna in pugna sistit variatque infesta aut obliqua, utcumque ratio monstravit) —,

DUX FEMINA FACTIS. that's all i gotta say. my latin is a little rusty, but roughly translated it means (--no worries...i'll break it down for you idiot-folk):
*factis means "you did"
*dux femina means "woman leader" and/or "dominatrix"
put it all together, and you get "YOU DID THE DOMINATRIX"!! see...latin isn't so hard!

here's some more latin quotes you may recognize in your everyday life:
"cave canam!" = BEWARE OF THE BITCH!!
"cave canam!" = looks much like the previous quote, but, depending on the fluctuations and emphases, it can also mean BEWARE OF MANDY SMITHFIELD!
"livin' la vida loca" = living the crazy life
"para balar la bamba" = i have no idea.
"j'aime m'appele monsier petite papillon" = actually, this one's in french...but its all the same. translated it means My Name is Mr. Little Butterfly, an essential line for if you are stuck in the middle of nowhere in france, and you are trying to find your way back home.

That was enough of lesson time for today.

**Magistra, i am extremely tempted to take this class @ yale DEDICATED to my FIRST LOVER...VERGIL. its some Latin Literature course, and in italicized mini-words, there is a disclaimer that says: dedicated to Vergil. the way he made love to me without physically making love to me is something that i will always cherish. i'll also cherish the time when you dressed up in that Fama suit...wait, you never did that...or did you...? (and that quote: "YOU ALL WILL DIE"...or something like that)

here are some XXX pics of naked yalie beasts...mmm:

what the f, man
this is either a yale, a merkel or a thaler...i often times get them mixed up. *hopes the audience understands*

to read more, check out this hottie site...and learn all you ever wanted about otherkin-type beings such as "the yale" (i promise its a ligitimate link...its not porn...besides, all you have to do before you click anything on my site is to look at the bottom and see if it says anything suspicious like "XXX" or "porn" in the url. shame on your for being stupid enough to click random links on my blog!...imbeciles!!)

LAST NIGHT: i was up till 6 (am that is) reading the Yale Daily News...the Yale Herald...the Yale Blue Book (full of courses) and shit like that. i have TONS of classes i want to take...i'll splurge on them later. i think 'tis nap time for meesa. but one class, in particular, that i want to get into is: "The Biology of Reproduction"...yeah buddy!! space is limited...so i wonder what the application process is like...b/c i'll do anything to get into that class...(reader responds: anything?)...and i say, "...anything..." in a seductive-type manner.

and with that, "i'm out like trout."--Tuddah Buddah

PS my dad is talking to me right now about checking accounts. i'm not listening to him at all...seriously. i'm not even looking at him. i don't know why he's talking...none of this means anything to me...blah blah blah...i'm so interested. i should probably care, but i'm too lazy. i just nod my head and say "uh huh" every couple of minutes...it works...well, he just left. ok. nevermind. i'm out for real now! ttfn

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

my roomies and suitemates

take a quick and hot look at those who will have to deal with my bullshit for the next semester/year.

This is my roomie:

moi roomie

These are my suitemates:

suitemate numero unosuitemate numero dos

yeah...i am moving into Juve hall and these are the mugshots of my roomies...tight, eh?

formal apology to bapple: sorry for pissing you off. i am a jerk. hope you got your rest.

i got my Yale BLUE BOOK!!

Yeah!! i am super psychadelickally hyped b/c i finally got my Yale Blue Book...full of all the course listings and shit like that. as far as what i'm looking into, here is a brief rundown of some courses i might take (i mean, there are 2,000 to choose from!):

Elementary Modern Chinese
Elementary French
Into to Psychology
Intro to Graphic Design
Modern Prose: Advanced Writing
Calculus of Functions of Several Variables
Intro to Ancient Philosophy
Advanced Classical Physics: From Newton to Einstein
Intro to World Religions

So yeah...@ Yale, all the courses are broken up into 4 different categories, and i have to take a certain number of courses in each category to graduate (it is designed to give you a broad range of education). Even though i am really interested in Architecture, i can't really take any architecture classes until Sophomore year...but i'm reading about all this cool shit i can do, like Yale in London and Yale in China...they have tons of travel abroad, so i am really pumped for Junior Year/Semester abroad.

who knows what i'll end up doing in 5 years...maybe i'll be a panhandler on the streets telling young girls "It's past your bedtime, BITCH"...or i might be a successful CEO or something crazy like that. i'm not too worried- i'll find something that makes me happy. more and more, my dad is convincing me that architecture may not be the perfect field:
*you come out of college with a $25,000 salary
*you have to work for 6 years to be liscensed
*if a building F's up, you can get sued
*you only make tons of money if you own the firm
*even if you own a firm, and people under you F up, your firm can be sued
*how many more tall buildings really need to be designed?

i mean...what he says makes total sense. i think i might pursue Mechanical Engineering...something i didn't think i would do, but engineering is awfully practical. at first, i was angry b/c my AP Credits (which i have 9 of, total) don't count towards omitting my total college credits. for example, i need 36 credits to graduate from Yale, taking 9 credits per year. just because i have 9 AP credits doesn't mean i can take 7 credits per year and graduate. @ yale, you either skip an entire year (which i could do...but i'm not goin to), or double major...or just skip the intro. courses that you no longer need. well, i realized how much the AP credits help b/c i can fly through the Intro. to English, Physics and Calculus courses and take more advanced shit. *ahh~(sigh)...thats why AP courses pay off...*

but let's not rub in the benefits of AP credits too much...after ALL, some of us (*cough*..erg...bapple) have never experienced the thrill of an AP credit.

SOO...to CATCH up with my last CHI-town entry:
...i'm taking you back...back in time to:

Sunday: July 27, 2003
(All of this dating at the top makes me feel like i'm doing an episode of MTV: Diary)
Well, i went down to my God Mother's house, because her daughter was throwing her a suprise b-day party. My god mother and my mom met while they were in MTSU, so my mom has a posse (much like the 6 chic latin clique) of white women whom she bonded with in college. they helped her, not only learn english, but plan her thrifty wedding and stuff like that. my god mother has been the one to provide our asian family with REAL Thanksgiving dinners every year...traditional Christmas-present-giving evens...Easter egg hunts...New Year's parties...homemade meat loaf...and stuff like that. i mean, how many first gen. asian kids can say that they have had Turkey and Stuffing, fresh from the oven, every Thanksgiving of their life...or that they remember picking out the perfect-est X-mas tree, out in the boondocks, to decorate for Christmas? well, i can!...and its all thanks to my god mother.

well, anyway, my mom's posse of old college friends tried to start up a traditional Chinese New Year Fest, where my mom cooks all the food (to make up for the Thanksgiving dinners where my god mother cooks all the food). we had one last year and the year before that, but this year's festivities, which was planned in february, was abruptly cancelled when my god mother's son's wife's mother passed away. so my god mother's daughter, wanting to throw a suprise b-day party, decided to relocate the festivities to July 27th...it's all because of this that bapple, neenee, and i had to leave Chitown on a lovely, unoperatable, fucking SUNDAY. anywhoo, my god mother was very suprised...there were tons of people there...people i didn't know...people who came, drank up the wine, ate my mom's food and left. *weird*

that was fun.

Monday: July 28, 2003
SLEPT until 4:30 pm and wrote in my blog


my favorite

Tuesday: July 29, 2003
Hotza Hotmelhot called me and we hung out...watched the Real World...argued with bapple about Tuddah Buttah and shizz like that. Hotza gave me some cool shit from Sudan:
*Lemon Scented "Fruity Soap"
*A bracelet made out of ivory (which is illegal in the states) and giraffe hairs (yeah...giraffe hairs...the hairs are like wires...its weird)
*A black leather hand-garment-strap(fancier way of saying "bracelet") with seashells sewed on

aside from making out, and getting into heated discussions, we made cheese'n'ham crackers and had phone sex with lil' E.

it's still early, but today, abby from next door took Bank and me to eat Mexican food...yeah...mexican food. all the people in the restaurant, including our waiter, spoke fluent mexican...mexican soap operas were playing on the televisions. mexican truly is a beautiful language. i hope to take mexican at Yale! i should e-mail the dean and see if they have any Mexican Language/Literature courses...i hope they do *prays with excitement*

on a completely new topic, i was trying to think about what i want to do with my life. the only thing i know for sure about is that i know i want to design...i want to be a part of the trendy, upper class that goes to cocktail parties and hobknobs with the elitist-money-sucking-gurus...well, nah. i just want to be happy...but i would like to be a part of the classier crowd that "knows people", so i can get into cool lounges (e.g. Bungalow 9...) and bars and stuff like that. imagine how cool that would feel to go up to the front of a long line of common folk, and say "i'm joe a..." and have the bouncer say "oo~" and open the doors for you and your crowd, for a night of high class partying and cosmopolitans. but i dont' want to be stuck with people too obsessed with themselves. vanity in small doses is essential...but i couldn't deal with the overly vain. i just want to know that people talk about me...and they say good things like "did you see that _____ joe designed? isn't it fabulous! i would love to have one" or "joe is so innovative and creative. where does he get such wonderful ideas for making his _______?" it would be nice to know "known".

anyway...i've written out my blog to death today. peace out, yo!

Monday, July 28, 2003

back from CHI-TOWN baby!!!

...and things are a little different, b/c i'm HOT AND LEGAL!! if you are over 18, you can F me and it won't be statutory rape! WOO HOO~

anyway, i was initially scared to update, but i have SOO much random shit to post...but alas, i shall try and catch up before the GREAT RAPTURE...and then nothing will be accomplished then, now will it?

...i'm taking you back...back in time to...:

Monday: July 21, 2003
so i wake up in the morning with neenee's red, honda civic waiting outside for me with bapple in the front seat. we head out to neenee's HOT MILF's (short for Mom I'd Like to Fuck) office, where i realized that i had everything i needed...except for my plane confirmation ticket! haha- silly me! so i had to print out a ticket from MILF's computer in her office, and we all headed out to the big-ass-nashvegas AIRPORT...BABY!

the flight was really bumpy and pissed the shit out of me...probably the worst flight i have ever been on. F you, SOUTHWEST! realizing that the airport people didn't even look at my ticket confirmation, i got it out to review...realizing that i had printed out my confirmation for the flight that takes me to New Haven...not Chicago...once again...silly me!!

we finally get to good ol' chitown, where we catch the L to go to my mom's hotel @ the Marriott Courtyard on E. Hubbard Street. easily enough, E. Hubbard just happened to be right off an L-stop and close to Michigan Avenue (a major street with tons and tons of SHOPPING!). looking at a map, i was like "ok...we'll just transfer off the Orange line from Midway, and get onto the line that will take us to Grand...little did i know that there were TWO Grand stops (one on Blue line and one on Red line). FUCK ME. we ended up on the Blue Line's Grand stop, which was a good 12 block trek from our hotel....we walked and walked and walked...but that wasn't even the end of it, b/c NO ONE KNEW WHERE THE FUCK E. HUBBARD WAS!!

Chicago, apparently, has, what looks like, two floors. much like a two-story house, you can find flights of steps that take you downstairs to an unimaginable nether region...where you seem to be right under the city. well, that's where E. Hubbard was...it was, relatively speaking, downstairs on the first floor of Chicago, and that's why we couldn't find the damn ass street.

bapple and i, of course, fought over the right way to go. and by the time we made it to the hotel, we were in a totally heated argument that ended with us, cursing our brains out in the middle of the hotel lobby, and concluded with us having hot, steamy, make-up shower sex with neenee watching in the corner...yess...

that night, we went out to Navy Pier where we rode this big Ferris Wheel (not to be confused with neenee's cooch), and we chilled at the dock for a while. waiting for the free trolley to take us home from the Pier, we witnessed a large array of gnats attacking the public, and got some restaurant names from a local (yea...a local, just like faniel wcislo...a true Chicago native--PAH!). we looked for the places the local had told us to eat dinner, but ended up at a popular restaurant called BUCCA DI BEPPO (an upscale version of The Olive Garden)!!! the fat-ass waitress was amazed to hear that we had not heard of Bucca di Beppo. as soon as the food got out, we fed one another Manicotti, flirted with the hottie waitress and took pictures with neenee's camera phone. when it was all said and done, we walked back to the hotel, in order to participate in a night full of shmoozing, snoozing, and fellatio-ozing. (well, not really. my mom was in the room...not that we would have done that if my mom were not in the room).

Tuesday: July 22, 2003
*sing with me*: HAPPY MY B-DAY to me!! Happy B Day to me!!! Happy B Day to me~!!! Happy B Day to me!!! *stop singing*
i can barely even remember what happened on this day...but i do remember that it was my birthday! apparently, neenee and bapple noticed that i talked in my sleep. *weird*. after waking up, we three...kings of orient are, bearing gifts we traverse afar---woah woah woah...sorry about that. we three (no christmas hymnals this time) looked for an L-stop, so that we could make our way out to Museum Campus with all the...uhh...you guessed it...MUSEUMS. we popped out the map, where a black man named Charles "helped" us find our way.

long story short (to make the short story long, contact neenee, bapple, or me for further details)...we got a little side tracked, our new best friend Charles took us on a mini-tour of Chicago, and...one hour and 105 bucks later...we were finally on the L on our way to the initial destination: MUSEUM CAMPUS. when we got there, we had to choose between the Field Museum, Shedd Aquarium, and Adler Planetarium (also called the Sarah Adler Planetarium), and we ended up going to Sarah's Planetarium. the field museum looked the same from the last time we went (remember? ninth grade...nola with no pants and erich in full drag...BAND TRIP BABY!), and the Shedd Aquarium had a long ass line, so we just went to the Planetarium...which was O SO interesting. let's just say, bapple and neenee got quite a few power naps during the theatrical presentations. i, however, learned much about the stars, planets and the universe (can't you tell i'm the smart one of the bunch?).

but, alas, stars are only so interesting. and being in a gigantic, theatre-esque dome with pictures of stars and galaxies on the ceilings does not help to make anything about astronomy cooler. yes...the dome itself is cool...but not that cool...DO NOT BE FOOLED!

after it was all said and *done* (<--referring to bapple and the hot 56 year old planetarium worker-lady), we walked around the area, cruising for fresh meat, and enjoying the gorgeous weather and amazing city-scape of CHI-town. we later hitch-hiked our asses on a free trolley, that took us to the L stop that took us back to the hotel so that we could meet up with my MUM! all of us were off to CHINATOWN for my b-day party lunch/dinner thing. i was looking forward to eating DIM SUM, (which is not to be mistaken with a middle-aged chinese prostitute)...Dim Sum, is, in fact...well, dammit, i don't feel like explaining it to all you dumbass western folk. take your lazy ass and read about it here . unfortunately, they didn't serve Dim Sum at the time that we went, and my mom just had to order her own thang. the dinner was yummy, but full of TOFU b/c neenee only eats vegetables and cock. we walked around chinatown, gazing at the fine-asian-pootenanny and looking for oriental-girly-porn (yeah- i know...sick, isn't it? neenee really needs to control her satiation for chinky teeny boppers). after buying cheap shit in chinatown, neenee, bapple, and i went to the hotel to "freshen up" ("the girls there have bad after tastes," says bapple) and we went to Fuckingham Bountain...i mean, Buckingham Fountain where we watched the ejaculation of large amounts of water into the sky with Carmen Dragon's arrangement of "America the Beautiful" playing in the background *sniffles*. reminds me of Nola and Erich...speaking of which, at that moment, neenee called good ol' Nola and told her how the ejaculation of water (in addition to the music that we had played in band) reminded us of her. bapple started crying because he had lost jonathan ashley jarrell's number, and was, therefore, unable to call him for free phone sex.

after the lovely display of hydro-jaculations, we took my ripe-fresh-for-the-pickin'-18-year-old-ass to some XXX naughty stores in "Boystown", where we talked to "STHHEEEVE" and were "STHUUPER! THANKSTH FOR ASTHKING!! ...and after we were all spent, we went back to the hotel and got our XXXs and ZZZs.

Wednesday: July 23, 2003
i think we slept in this day, b/c of all the previous late night tomfoolery. my mom had given me this $25 Dollar certificate, and lucky for us, we were all cravin' a bit of Thai (thai food. had neenee and bapple craved Thai-sex, they would've hit me up). we checked out "Vong's Thai Kitchen", which was good, but the waitress was a total BITCH and we ended up calling the place "Vong's Thai BITCHES!!". mwahahaha....aren't we clever? we waited about 30 minutes for little pinky sized desserts that you only see on TV, when they are trying to make fun of the upscale restaurants that only provide you with miniature foods for hundreds of dollars...little did we know that at Vong's (short for Rodney Vongchamchan) Thai Kitchen, the miniature foods were, indeed, a reality.

after eating and bitching about our bia-bia-waitress, we took a free trolley to The Art Institute of Chicago, where i got off to naked, stone, structures of Grecian women. we later trekked up to the Sears Tower Observation Deck...which cost us an arm and a leg to see a dumb-ass pre-observation-deck movie, a quick ride in an elevator, and a bird's eye view of the city. the city was beautiful and clear that day...it was tons better than the John Hand-Cock Tower (which we saw in 9th grade on the Band Trip...the site of the first "friendship club" picture, which included, me, Esther, meg, Christi, ANDERSON *HOT HOT HOT* MAYFIELD, and Elliot Hard(on)away). after getting all "sky-decked" out, neenee and i argued on the way back home about "me not being aware of my surroundings enough" or some crazy bullshit. and like the argument i had with bapple, the tryst ended with hot and steamy make up sex and the strong revelation that i cause all the arguments between the three of us (which makes sense, but isn't as literal as it sounds...i'm just opinionated, that's all...and better than everyone in the world...smarter, and better-looking, too...does that make me a bad person? does that make me the argumentative-type? i'm Type A...A for ALWAYS RIGHT...that characteristic of me doesn't all of a sudden make me confrontational, now does it? i think not! i didn't argue with them...they were the ones arguing with me. HA! take that, you "not-going-to-an-ivy-league" common folk!).

we headed down to the Belmont area to catch the "Blue Man Group" (or what i called "the blue man goo"). in the words of Carrie from Sex and the City, "i couldn't help but wonder", was it the "blue-man group" or the "blue man-group"...a stirring enigma that will continue to boggle the minds of self-proclaimed genii (<---plural for genius-es) for centuries to come. i thought the performance was tight, but i was also a little drunker than the other two. there was one thing that i learned from the menage-trois of blue-men: they might be blue, but they're all pink on the inside. i took a picture with one of them after the show, and bapple licked a blue-man's face. it was soo sexy.

we stopped to eat like the natives at a Philly Cheese steak place (<---get it? aren't i clever? we were in CHICAGO and i ate a Philly...aka Philadelphia...cheese steak place? i'm just HILAAAAAAAARIOUS!). afterwards, we headed home, i bought a few lottery tickets, we all three got drunk off of coconut rum and triple-kissed the night away because my mom had left Chicago that morning, and left the hotel to us horney-folk. i learned one thing from that evening of drunken debauchery: "everything tastes like chicken".

SIDE NOTE: if i ever mention the phrase/collection of words "eat like the natives and/or locals", i am satirizing and making a literary jab and faniel wcislo. while on the Chicago band trip from 9th grade, we took a trip to navy pier, where faniel degradingly questioned my purchase of McDonald's french fries (or Freedom Fries) at the Navy Pier food court as he stuffed his face with an "o-so-local" Gyro. he said, quote: you have to eat like the natives, end quote...or something to that extent; and bapple and i have made fun of him behind his back for that comment, even to this day. i must step down from the "pedestal of culture" for faniel truly is a cultured, Chicago native. as for me, i'm just an uncultured chinese boy (who, not to mention, happens to be 18!)

Thursday: July 24, 2003
we had to wake up early this morning, because we were leaving the Hotel to move into Mike's (my brother's old high school bud) house out in Lincoln Park. he had met up with us before the Blue Man Group performance to give us the keys to his house. we checked out of the hotel, and dragged our luggage to the L to make our way out to his house. once again, we were somewhat lost, but once we found the house and moved in, we chilled and watched some episode of "Jenny Jones: My Teen is Wild and Out of Control!!" and caught a tidbit of Oprah in order to muster the strength to brave the streets of Chicago. after we jetted out, neenee and bapple dropped by a restaurant on Clark Street (or was it Fullerton...i don't remember) called Nosh. i thought it was jew food (like Noshville), but it turned out to be a pleasantly eclectic Gyro place. the man who owned the store was a HAIRRRRY ANIIIIMAL from the Island of Cypress, and he whipped up a to-die-for wrap (complete with "special sauce") for neenee and bapple. i didn't eat at all b/c i had finished a box of Pringles that morning. oddly enough, the hairy man who owned the store had remembered all three of us from the day before. while he was not the man we three slept with in the previous night's wild game of "tag teaming", he remembered us from the observation deck at the Sears Tower. isn't it a small world? but they didn't get a discount on the food, so it really didn't matter.

after the good eats, we two (neenee and i) began to get our SHOP on!! bapple, who initially had his shop on, eventually became the luggage bitch, who carried my fag bag (aka messenger bag) and neenee's shopping shit (THANKS, bapple. we owe you one!). we got a healthy dosage of the shopping provided at Belmont and Halstead streets. while i cannot remember what neenee exactly bought, i do remember that i picked up a pair of Tan KangaRoo's shoes (which happened to be featured in this month's edition of Teen Vogue). neenee's acquirement of material goods included many purses, dildos and skirts. we were referred by a lady at one of neenee's conquered shop-stops to head out to Buck Town, which had more trendy shops than the "upscale, yuppie" (as she called it) Armitage Avenue, which had initially been our second shopping stop. we went out to Buck Town, where we dropped off bapple at a Coffee Shop called "The Art Gallery Cafe", b/c he was all shopped out for the day. instead, he chilled by himself and read Cosmo, GQ, and Seventeen. it was quite warm that day, and neenee and i had trouble finding the shop spot.

SIDE NOTE: neenee has a back problem and got some drugs to cure the pain. unfortunately (but i guess fortunate to her), the drugs make her a slutty drunk. so if she sounds out of character AT ALL throughout these passages, it is because of the pain medicine she takes for her back.

we finally found some cool places...tried on some shoes, skirts and prom dresses, but headed back to pick up bapple b/c we had a BLACK EYED PEAS concert to catch at the House of Blues! (inside joke: we bought backstage passes that Charles was supposed to give to us...he must have forgotten to give them to us, or something! silly him!) we caught the L, freshened up at Mike's crib, and got to the House of Blues at 7:20 pm...a good 10 mins before the doors opened.

WELL...the doors opened at 8:00 pm...and the show started at 9:00 pm with BEP's (short for Black Eyed Peas) opening act, "The J Davis Trio". which ABSOLUTELY BLEW...as in IT SUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MY SHPIEL ON THE J DAVIS TRIO: the trio consisted of FOUR (...hence the "trio") men...all dressed in suits. the lead singer, named Stewart, was BLACK. first of all, black people do not name their children Stewart. all the background beats, riffs, and layers were the same...and Stewart’s unfree-freestyling could not be understood. there was a bass player, drummer, and bassist. Stewart danced like a white-boy, bobbing his head back and forth, while bouncing his knees to the beat. he accompanied his band by playing the xylophone, triangle, tuning forks, and maracas (not simultaneously). THE EXPERIENCE WAS HORRIBLE!! THEY WENT THROUGH THEIR ENTIRE ALBUM. WE ALL WANTED TO DIE.

SIDE NOTE: speaking of people who play instruments simultaneously, we saw a pan handler who, get this, played the violin, guitar, sang/whistled, and tapped ALL AT THE SAME TIME. while it is a stunning visual to imagine, we three saw it FIRST HAND! ha!

ANOTHER SIDE NOTE: i went to the restroom, and there was a "bathroom concierge" (you know...the guy who sits there, with bottles of cologne/fragrances, matches and paper towels, to help the guys freshen up after takin a D...i forget what you call them. if you know the correct name, please post on my tag board or comment at the bottom of the entry!) so anyway...this man, who spoke very little English, said: "did you drink a lot? *laughs* that's what i say...you know. D. P. you know? get it? D and P? that's what i say, drink and piss. the men drink and then they have to piss. D P. D P. drink and piss. *laughs hysterically*" let's just say, i quickly washed by hands and jetted the hell out of that bathroom.

BEP ended up coming out around 10:45 pm...like 3-4 hours after we had gotten to the House of Blues. THEY ROCKED THE HOUSE!! it was awesome. bapple and i did Fergie (the woman singer) up the A. she was hot stuff. i got real crunk...they rocked!! EVERYONE SHOULD GO SEE THEM! but bapple and neenee noticed that they lied on the part where they said they were "free styling" b/c they did the same thing when they were in nashvegas--HAHA! caught you B.E.P...caught you red handed!!

after the concert, we grabbed a bite to eat at some Greek place in the Lincoln Park area, where bapple got mad at me. the argument(s) went a little something like this:

Me: wait. how can you say that if you only eat gyros?

Me with disgusted look on face, looking at bapple as he shovels in the gyro, licking his fingers and making a mess...ripping the gyro in half and taking alternate bites on each side.
Me: *in the words of Leah from the RW: Paris concerning CT* you repuhhhlse me. you eat like a Neanderthal.

So...basically, we argued b/c i made fun of bapple for questioning his love of Greek food, and for the look of disgust on my face caused by his lack of food-eating neatness. i call it lack of manners/etiquette...but bapple just calls me an asshole. to bapple: i'm sorry you cannot eat right. i will pray for you.

we walked back to mike's, but while bapple was on the phone with Hotza, neenee and i were captivated by a 4 girl group posse. the leader of the pack had little ass and strutted down the street like she owned the place. the three girls following her were UGLIER THAN DOGS and had matching chinese-word tattoos on their backs. we ended up missing the street we were supposed to turn on b/c these girls had us under their spell.

back at mike's, we f-ed, stewing and churning in one another’s' bodily broths, until we fell asleep.

SIDE NOTE: mike's house was a beautiful loft in Lincoln park. he had antique furniture and well-groomed carpets. what we REALLY noticed was what he DIDN'T have: he didn't have any clean utensils (e.g. silverware, plate ware), no working microwave, no sheets, no TOWELS (we had to use old shirts to dry ourselves), no pillows, no blankets, NO NOTHING. i slept on the floor with some couch spread i acquired, folding it in half like a taco over me, and sleeping with the couch cushion as my pillow. neenee slept on the couch in nothing but a crotch-less thong, and bapple slept on a mini-self inflating mattress (the kind you take with you when you go camping) and a used sheet. it, too, "repuhhhlsed" me...but at least we had a free place to stay!!

Friday: July 25, 2003
Alas...thinking that we were going to take a trip to Greek Town or Little Italy or something cool to make it up to bapple for forcing him to shop with us ALL DAY LONG the previous day, we ended up, surprisingly enough, GOING SHOPPING.

receiving a text message from lil' E regarding the restaurant in which David (cast member of "The Real World: Chicago" and producer of the hit single: "Shwee-da-boo-shwee-da-boo-dee...come on be my baby tonite..."), we made a trip to a restaurant called, Ed Debevic's . they're motto is "good food, fresh service". it's a 50s style restaurant, where you tip the waiters based on how rude/mean they are to you. it's all in good fun, but our waitress, named Pixie (not to be mistaken with Sweetie), wasn't really that mean to us. we found out from her that David from RW: Chicago had been fired. *sniffles* we left the restaurant disappointed. we had not only planned on seeing David, but also on being bitched at and slapped around...but the rudest thing the waitress did was throw our straws at us. *blows nose* she just wasn't mean enough.

after this sad event, we perked ourselves up with some good ol' fashion money spendin'! we hit up some more shopping districts on Oak Street and Michigan Avenue: "The Magnificent Mile". on the way, we checked out Urban Outfitters, Prada...and my favorite store, DIESEL!!!, to name a few. bapple bought a new Louis Vuitton Purse and 2 leather, prada jackets. we checked out Water Tower Place...the Shops at 900 N. Michigan...Nordstrom’s...Oilily...Lucky Brand...The Gap (which is still plain and boring)...Bloomingdale's...Filene's Basement...we checked out EVERYWHERE and THEN SOME...while, bapple, of course, ran away to read books and check out free porn at Border's. neenee acquired more dildos...i got a pair of $50-on-sale Diesel jeans from Filene's Basement, and a pair of Diesel shoes (as my b-day present from bapple and nee *my thanks go out to you two*) from Bloomingdale's! i love them ("them" as in the shoes)!

that evening, we ended up eating at some place called Joey Buona's (also called "Joey Budafuco's" by us youngins'), where we got HUGE ASS entrees. all three of use needed doggy-style doggy bags. we decided to eat there b/c we got a coupon on the street for a free desert. because the restaurant served food family style, their deserts were extra HUGE. we pulled a fast one on the waitress...while i was in the restroom, neenee and bapple told the waitress that it was my birthday, and the waitress informed them that i would get a giant ice-cream sundae for the occasion. as soon as i got back to our table, i gave her the free-desert-coupon. at the end of the meal, she not only gave us a FREE GIGANTIC chocolate hunk of cake for the coupon, but we also got a big-birthday-sundae (and a few b-day spankings from our waitress). haha- joke's on her!

we made our way back to mike's house, our arms full of shopping bags, new clothes, and leftovers. planning on not being distracted by any girls like we did last time, we ended up missing our street again because some man walking in front of us kept turning around and staring at me for no reason. the staring man turned on the street we were supposed to get onto, but because we were so perplexed by the man's infatuation with me, we passed the street. we ended up walking a block too far down before we realized we missed the turn...so we back tracked and made it home.

while walking down a busy street, some scary, old panhandling lady (who looked like the "tuppence a bag" woman from Mary Poppins), said *in the voice of that possessed girl from the exorcist* "It's Past your BEDTIME BIITTCH!!" it scared the hell out of me. i had to change diapers after that one.

Mike got back home around 2 am after playing some volleyball at the beach, and we told him about our trip to Ed Debevic's. he told us that the restaurant had toned it down a WHOLE lot b/c they wanted to be more of a "fun for the family" style restaurant instead of a rude, shit hole. he told us that if we REALLY wanted mean service, that we should head out to "The Wiener Circle", which was only a few blocks from his house. apparently, things there were REALLY rank. he said that there are always huge lines and crowds, but if you just walk to the front and cuss the shit out of them, they'll give you your food. we had to check the place out.

so we were off on our adventure. i had recognized the restaurant from earlier in the morning. in front of the building was a billboard with an innocent circle and a hot-dog painted on it, and the words "Home of the Cheddar Charbroiled Burger" posted. when you walked in...things were a little different. in the middle of the kiosk stood a white man wearing a greasy shirt with the cash register in front of him. behind him were grills, vats of oil, etc...and surrounding him were 7 black girls, each with her own distinctive characteristic: one wore sunglasses (which was odd b/c it was 3 in the morning), another had gold teeth (aka teef), another wore a wig, one was chewin' on a straw, one had weave, they all had tig ol' bitties, and their names included: ChiTown, Tijuana, Red, and Shameeka Rush...as you can tell, things were really ghetto. i was greeted by one girl with a pony tail flopped on the side of her head with "whatchyoo wanna order, BITCH?" i ordered, got my food, and neenee, bapple, and me watched as the hoards of drunken white people walked in. here is a hypothetical, compilation of scenes we witnessed b/w the black girls and a drunk white men.

Act I, Scene I
Drunk white man in business suit stumbles in.
Black girl(s): whatchyoo want, CRACKah?
Black girl(s): okay, BITCH
*one girl comes out from the back, flashes her breasts, stuffs the man's face in them, and grabs the bill out of his hand.*
Black girl(s):now, GET OUT OF HERE, MOTHA FUCKAH!

Act I, Scene II
Dorky business man walks in
Man: Give me a...uhh...hot dog and three fucking drinks, STAT!

(you could tell he was a total dork. who the hell says "stat"?)

One fat guy ordered and paid for his food, but never got it b/c he was blocking the line and shouting "SHAKE 'DEM TITTIES!!" too much. i think that the drive behind Wiener Circle is the white man's innate desire to order black women around, and the black woman's innate desire to fuck with the white man. it was funny to see the people who ordered were yuppie, white men, dressed in nice clothes, cursing like sailors to get their food. Wiener Circle is an excuse for men to get pissed and let out all their anger on women they don't even know. it was quite an experience. they weren't mean to me. i wish they were, b/c i would've wailed on them...but i wasn't drunk...and wasn't angry...and they weren't mean enough to me to piss me off. if only tenisha odom or renee wills worked there...*dreams*

we tried making a trek down to Lincoln Park's beach, but it was dark...and scary...full of bums...so we went back home.

SIDE NOTE: speaking of titties...one time, while in the Big Easy and walking down Bourbon Street, i was shielding lil' E's not so lil' titties from public view, due to the graphic and low V-neck cut of her attire. while doing this, a drunk man proceeded to say, "YOU LIKE TOUCHIN' 'DEM TITTIES, EH?" to which i replied, "FACK YOU!!!" well, in reality, i said nothing...but the memory is still one that both lil' E and i hold dearly.

Saturday: July 26, 2003
Woe is we...this was technically our last "day" in the city of Chi-town...and the day was quite a bore, too. Mike said he was gonna wake us up to go eat at "Frances' Diner" for breakfast. unfortunately, he was too afraid to wake us up b/c we looked like such sweet angels in our slumbers...we ended up waking up late and getting out of the house around 1 pm. we went to eat at Frances' anyway, where i had a lunch full of jew food: i got Matzo Ball soup and Potato Pancakes with apple sauce (REAL apple sauce...not bapple sauce) and sour cream (real sour cream...not that stuff that oozes from neenee's...). i had tons of left overs, so we went back to Mikes to drop off our food. afterwards, we went down to the Lincoln Park beach. we coasted, barefooted, next to the disgusting water and viewed the lovely city skyline. i ended up falling asleep on this little dock we were sitting at...they woke me up b/c neenee felt like she was burning, and we made our way to an L station to go out to Belmont, so neenee could get her ears/clit/nipples pierced (she was inspired by 'Nisha Odom, MLK c/o '03). on the way there, we were drawn into more trendy shopping stops on Clark, Belmont and Halstead.

everything, as far as night life goes, is 21 and up in Chicago...it's a big ol' drinking town. but luckily (as if it was by fate) i picked up a flyer for the FIRST 18 and UP DJ venue we had seen all week. it was at some place called the "Bottom Lounge". i was totally pumped for it!! since neenee and bapple were just tired, we went back to mike's and gave each other head, and took naps. we went to the "Bottom Lounge" where the ID Checker looked at me and said: "this is an 18 and up show." i said, "cool". he said "its 18 and up". i said "neat". he said "you're not 18." i said "what's the DATE, BITCH!?" he realized he was wrong, felt stupid, and let us in. too bad, the place wasn't hoppin...yet. in an attempt to kill time, we found some chinese restaurant to eat. bapple got his panties all in a wad when he ordered something wrong, and got something he didn’t' want to eat, and ended up blaming all of the mishaps on our chinese waiter. bapple is very smart...very educated...very kind...never blames anyone else but himself. actually, he tipped the waiter jack, saying that it was the waiter's fault instead of realized that he, himself, had ordered the wrong thing.

Later on that night:
NEENEE vs. BAPPLE: Showdown of a Lifetime
for further details, contact, bapple and/or neenee for information as to how bapple pissed neenee off and found himself in the dog house with RW: Paris's CT.
here's a one word clue: chauvinism

back at the club, things were pumpin...more people (and by people, i mean two, gay European boys in high waters, dancing like they're watching a Tae Bo video) were in the club. i wasn't really feeling the DJ at the moment, so we three sat down. it wasn't until the featured DJ (DJ McBride...or something like that) that neenee and i got real crunk and busted nuts and moves all over the dance floor. bapple just sat in a seat, drank water, and got hit on by a man...

Sunday: July 27, 2003
...we went back home around 3 am in the morning. we had planned on sleeping and waking up later on for the 8:00 am flight in the morning...but realized it made more sense just to leave the house, and sleep in the airport...just in case there were delays on the L or something scary like it.

MAN OH MAN was it a good thing we left early.

we started packing (packing our clothes...not fudge packing) and by 4:15 am, we had left the house... i was confident that getting to Midway was gonna be ten times easier than our 12-block-walk-trip to our hotel, due to the fact that we knew the L system so well. so we made our way to the L, took the Red line to Lake in order to transfer to Orange line to Midway. little did we know...as soon as we got off the stop, a Public Transit Lady told us that the Orange line was closed until 7:10 am (it takes 45 mins to get to Midway airport via L...so we were screwed).

we were all out of cash, and it was like 4:30 in the morning!! luckily, there was a Dunkin' Donuts, where bapple and neenee withdrew some cash and bapple got fat off of two donuts and low fat milk (as if the low fat milk would make up for the high fat donuts). so anywhoo, we planned on taking a cab for like 50 bucks to Midway, but we had JUST passed a bus going towards Midway. we looked at the stop of the bus that we just missed, and realized that it had an "overnight to midway" ride that we could take...we waited for another bus to come...we waited, and waited...the night slowly turned into day...finally @ 5:45, another bus came. we climbed on...and all was good...that's what we thought at least.

a night time security officer on his way home on the bus with us told us that we would have to take the Cicero stop, walk to another Bus Stop that would take us to Midway, where we would get on this bridge-like thing over the major road so that we could get to the airport and all would be fine and dandy. well, we got to the Cicero stop, and by 6:30 am (our flight is at 8:00 mind you!), we got to the second Bus Stop that was SUPPOSED to take us to Midway...we, of course, found out that the bus only operated "late mornings and early evenings" on Sundays...so once again, we were screwed. we wanted to take a cab, but none of the cabs would stop b/c all of them were full of people on their way to Midway. SOO...we started to walk...and walk...my damn luggage wheel broke...so i had to drag super hard as i walked...about 3 quarters of a mile down, we saw the big bridge-like thing that was supposed to take us over the major street and into the airport....but ALAS, the doors to it were CLOSED!! ahh!! we walked and walked and walked...FINALLY getting to the airport's exit doors...but there was one problem. there was a huge-ass road between us and the airport's doors. so we hiked up our luggage, and climbed over walls, ran across the street, climbed on the median in the middle of the road, crossed the other side of the street, and finally jumped over a ledge to get to the baggage claim section of the airport. *sigh of relief* we had to back track through the baggage claim section to the ticket claim area...

...by 7:00 am we were in the line to get our tickets...
...by 7:15 we were in the security line...
...by 7:30 we were on our way to the terminal...
...and by 7:50 we were boarding the plane to come home...

SHOO WEE!! i was sooo glad that we made it.

in the plane, bapple met some aspiring rapper, who was hitting on the 40 year old flight attendant, and made bapple listen to his own, self-produced rap CD about "bitches" and "titties". IM bapple for more details.

AND WITH THAT...i'm out, bitches. i have more to say about Sunday's days events...but i'll have to hit ya'll up about that later.

i'm off...and off...AND AWAY!!!!

Sunday, July 20, 2003

who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?

meesa jar jar binks.

just kidding.

so anyway, yesterday was a total bitch. out of my "list of things to do" i did all of it, except "go to ROCKET TOWN". i think it may have been my vaginal discharge, but kids, who i thought were going to RCKTWN, began dropping like flies. eventually, it all came down to (as usual), me, nee nee and bapple...and we ended up taking "le tour de nashville". we started out at RCKTWN, where bapple asked the white guard-person "is it crunk?" and the man proceeded to ask "what is crunk?" and, once he understood our ebonics, he said "o. there are a few people on the dance floor" and we were like, "okay, fack that shit man."

so we drove down to municipal auditorium where there was a "Paul Oakenfold" concert going on. i was real sad we couldn't get in! the guards woudln't take sexual favors...it was cash only, $30 per/person ($60 for neenee b/c she's a monster). we noticed this really fruity guy with a really butch girl chillin' (i'm guessing they were going out...?) and she asked if we needed a ticket...but she was selling them and not giving them away for free *damn her!*. we dangled money in front of backside doors...flashed old men...offered blow jobs and cunnilingus...but to no avail~ we never got in...waaah~

so we decided to go look for alcohol. that didn't work either b/c all the alcohol places were closed.

so then, neenee decided she wanted to get her ear pierced, and bapple wanted to tatoo my name on his right arm, so we stopped by that place where tamtam got that thing done on her thing...but they were closed, too.

so, finally, we headed down to dragon park to play on the swings, where neenee stradled bapple on the swing, and i massaged neenee as she moaned and groaned with irrepressible pleasures. it was soo hot. it was like a threesome without sex. here is an except from the massaging session:

*massaging her neck*
Me: o~ how you like that
Neenee: mmm...that's the spot
Me: is that it? you want it harder?
*massages a little firmer and faster*
Neenee: o baby...
bapple: ahh...i'm cumming...
Me: yeah- 'cus i'll give it to you harder. how's that, bitch? you like that?
Neenee: o~ i like it.
Me: you like it? how much do you like it?
Neenee: o i like it.
Me: tell me how much you like it...
Neenee: ...i like it sooo much...go lower
Me: lower? how low?
*moves hands lower; bapple yelps with pleasure*
bapple: i'm spent. get off me you whore
*bapple kicks neenee off his lap and creams on her face*
Neenee: don't cum on my face and tell me its lotion!

so imagine that...its the hottest teenie porn ever. (but seriously...thats what it sounded like...except we were like 10 times dirtier)

after this erotic scene of pre-twenties loving, we went to my house where we made "smoothies" and argued about michael jackson.

thought for the day:
neenee and i went to the grand opening of "Sherod", which is an upscale clothing store, and i have never felt more intimidated in my life. not only did they have cheeses, grapes, and wine for all of its shopping guests, i was bombarded by the hottest people i have ever seen . hot people scare me. they make me feel little, poor, and worthless. so i told neenee that she should get a job at a boutique like Sherod or Posh, b/c she has that "i'm a monster. be scared of me" look...ya know what i mean? like, people in the store make you feel dumb for not buying anything...which is a bad feeling, in addition to alone being too little to fit in any of the clothes *woe!*. yes...it was depressing...the clothes were too big for me.

place for the day:
everyone should go check out "Las Paletas" (sp?) where they sell yummy popsicles (like real popsicles...you know, long, cylindrical shafts of frozen juices...mmm... *mouth waters just thinking of them*...the popsicles that is...nothing else...but sweaty, long, steaming popsicles...that drip juices all over your hands and in your mouth...)--woah! sorry about that...i just had a moment. anyway, its on the corner of Kirkland and 12th avenue, and it has no sign....you just kind of have to find it. i got a yummy "Hibiscus" popsicle and neenee got a "pineapple" one. we went to the park across the street and suckled on each other...and by each other, i mean "the popsicles."

name for the day:
i named my '87 Toyota Cressida today. his name is "Nolton". he doesnt' like it when you sweet talk...and he doesn't like it when you talk dirty...so you just gotta be real with him. yesterday, for instance, he didn't want to go up a big hill so he just stalled in the middle of the road as neenee and i slowly tumbled downwards. it was soo very silly of Nolton to do that! he has emphysema or somehting, so he really has trouble breathing and spits out black stuff from his exhaust pipes. he's an old guy, but i have learned to respect him...i mean, he, like everyone, has his idiosyncrasies. for instance, on the passenger's seat automatic window...i can roll down that window with my controls, but only the person in the passengers seat can roll it up with his/her controls; he also hates reversing...b/c when you put him in reverse, he just stops. ahh~ Nolty--how do i love thee? *counts the ways*

so...in summation, here is everything i did yesterday:
woke up, went to work at the rink, went to neenee's and ate, went shopping at rivergate, went back to neenee's to switch cars, filled my car with gas (where i got in trouble for talking on my cell phone at the gas station), dropped off library books at the GH Library, went home to change, went to Sherod, went to Las Paletas, took naps on my bed, bapple came over, we three kings of orient all went to the Wing Basket where bapple and i ate wings and neenee ate pussy, then we went to RCKTWN, then to Municipal auditorium, then the capital parking lot where we titillated one another with our cell phone vibrators, then we went to look for alcohol, then went to the tatoo place, then went to dragon park and FINALLY went to my house, where the two later left to hit up deb white's.

DAMN was that a lot of shit.

fuck me. i'm a loser.

here's my new mouse:

how appropriate!

and, with that, i'm out like a fat kid in dodge ball.

Neenee: You know...there's a party going on...?
Lil' E: where?
Neenee: IN MY PANTS!!!

P.S. i found a bumper sticker that said: "VIVA NASHVEGAS!! eat more rhinestones!"---needless to say, it made me very very happy...in an innocent type of way.

Friday, July 18, 2003


today was a pretty neat day...i guess. so in the morn, i got up and went over to neenee's to make her tight (tight as in "awesome"...not as in "vaginally tight") video for "MADE". we filmed her showing all of her clothes so that MTV, hopefully, will put her on and make her into a fashion designer. would that not be hella tight? she might be able to get me the push i need to get onto the Real World.

a little while later, bapple made his way over, along with lil' E, and we checked out "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy". i thought it was really funny...minus Carson Kressley and his HOT HOT HOT upper lip. lil' E, this one's for you:

is he really gay? i wouldn't have guessed!

the beauteous photo i have pasted is a picture of lil' E's lover. i swear- he's totally straight. you can tell from the picture!! here's the gang all together:

FLAG minus the 'L'

the show airs on Bravo TV. you should check it out. we all can learn something new from a quintet of gay men!

so anyway, afterwards, neenee and i decided to go see "How to Deal" with lil' E and her friend, KK. and i must say:
HOW TO DEAL was BY FAR the WORST movie i have EVER seen in my ENTIRE life. it was not only a WASTE of money...and a WASTE of time...it was a WASTE of a perfectly good segment of my young adult life. i could've f-ed someone in that 2 hours!! i can tolerate good chick flicks...but this movie was HORRID. it made no sense, the editing was horrendous and all i did was make fun of the bad dialogue. STAY AWAY FROM THIS MOVIE LIKE THE PLAGUE! i was hoping Mandy would die at the end like she did in "A Walk to Remember" just so that the movie would end sooner.

in case you want to see the movie, even after my advice, here's the run down of this piece of shit on a film reel:
the story is about a high school girl. this girl has a best friend, who gets pregnant by a boy who dies of a heart disease. this girl (played by mandy) has a mother who dates around, eventually hits on a "coke machine" guy, and *does* him secretly. this girl also has a sister, who is planning on getting married but later post-pones the marriage and later ends up going through with the marriage. her sister's fiance has rich parents. the girl gets hit on by a guy. the girl and the guy get caught trying to *do* each other. after sneaking out to a party, they drive home and get in a car wreck. the girl is hurt and the guy leaves her in the hospital. the girl's dad gets remarried to a bimbo. at the end, the girl forgives the guy for leaving her in the hospital. the girl's best friend has her baby at the girl's sister's wedding.

PLEASE don't waste your money, time, and energy on this movie. i am really sorry that i did. the movie sucked the fattest, stinkiest, pussing-iest phallus ever. BEWARE! CAVETE MANDY MOORE!!! (latin for beware of the mandy moore)

"my love is as sweet as candy, i'll be forever yours...love, mandy."

i'll tell you something i love...I LOVE TEXT MESSAGES...if only i could receive them.

neenee and i went back to my house, ate chocolates (aka sex-ed each other), and went to go get french fries from The Wing Basket...which is a totally tasty place to eat. we went back to my house around 11, when laura showed up...neenee left and laura and i chilled, talked about assholes named ryan bailey, listened to damien rice, and explored our bodies.

it was exciting!!

tomorrow is gonna rock. on the agenda: work, shopping, clothing store grand opening, and dancing. we'll see how much i actually accomplish on my "to do" list.

and with that- i'm "out like trout".

Thursday, July 17, 2003

yeah!! my blog has risen!!

woo hoo! i am so very happy right now! my blog has risen again from the dead. thanks to the help of hottie tang and JC (not JC chasez), i have revived my once lost and fucked up blog! thank you JEEEBUS! (...wait a minute...jeebus had nothing to do with it...o well, i'll give him some credit)

so anyway, once again...suprise suprise...i'm just chillin' at the computer like the villain that i am. martha stewart, mother of Tommy Stewart and wife of Ervin Tinnon III, is playing on TV right now. she's in vaChinaTown...but i don't know which one. there's some FOB woman, who is not my mother, showing martha around the area...helping her buy cheap children for her factories.

my kitchen is being super duper cool. every year during the summer/spring, we get a hoard of ants that invade the Afinyanafongs Family Mansion. and each year, i am totally grossed out of the array of itty bitty black shits crawling on the counter-top...and yet my parents remain unphased.

is it because they are chinese? or because they enjoy the presence and company of the ants?

i will never understand. we can't kill the ants because, to my dad, that's a big no no (if you haven't guessed it yet, he's a buddhist...they're weird like that). and my mom is afraid of spraying any Raid b/c it's in the kitchen...and if we get a taste of the chemicals, we'll turn green and die. so i just have to deal with the o-so-vulgar sight. waaah! they are gross little buggers. i wish they would die.

speaking of things that i wish were dead/did-not-exist, here are a few:

here is my public apology to bapple, with whom i mistakenly argued about the "Blackbird" tab. i apologize. i often forget that, in the words of Leah from RW: Paris, "you are the most educated one out of all of us"...and i seem to always forget that you are smart. i mean, college of charleston really shows off how smart you are! my apologies for being ignorant. i'm just a measley chinaman.

on the to do list:
1) nair every bit of hair on my body
2) find a amateur porn connection while up in chicago
3) pose as a "twinkie", or person under the age of 18, for porno sites
4) make money to pay off college
5) become rich and successful!!

yeah!! with god on my side, i can be ANYTHING and do ANYTHING i want to do. i mean, by doing porn, i feel like i am really servicing the world. if i can make just one person happy with my nude bod, i have done my job. i feel like such a philanthropist! and who said porn was sinful? pah!

everything on martha stewart sounds dirtier when typed:

Chinese Woman: Do you think this looks like sixteen inches?
M. Stewart: Oh...it looks pretty good to me

M. Stewart: Look at those buns? aren't they pretty?

M. Stewart: ...so it is sticky!!

yesterday, i got in a trist with neenee and bapple about my infatuation with sex. i don't think i talk about sex that much, i mean, read my blog. sex is prolly only mentioned a couple million times! they must get off on teasing me or something...hmm...that's kind of hot...*getting off*

i went to work today, and damn katie, the person i work with at the skating camp, didn't think to call me and let me know that camp was cancelled today. while waiting for her to acknowledge my existence, she finally looked at me and said "you can go now". i'm thinking "no shit sherlock" and begin to leave when she barely mentions "oo yeah~ camp is cancelled tomorrow also." i really would have busted one if she had forgotten to tell me that work was cancelled tomorrow. the compressors that kept the ice frozen had broken, so the camp became a "polar bear club" initiation.

yeah!! CHICAGO in only a few days. i'm excited...and, on top of that, i'm turning 18...and legal!! how invigorating.

*eats a bowl of easy mac*
while pouring out the artificial cheese into the bowl of microwaved macaroni, i thought "wow. thats a whole lot of artificial cheese."

...and with that, i shall bit thee all adieu!

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

"omg...this mirror is whack! THERE'S A HOLE IN THE MIDDLE OF MY FACE!!!"

omg...why is there a whole in the middle of my face!!!

hey kiddos. its 2:20 in the morning, and, as you probably guessed it, this night owl (me) is unable to sleep; so, what better to do that blogiddy blog blog! hmm...lemme think...i know there's plenty of stuff for me to talk about.

let me start of by saying my blog is being totally fucked. granted i was/am very grateful to HOTTTANG (aka hot thang) for making me a new template, but i am beginning to get frustrated as my template has disappeared and i cannot publish anything i want to. the picture at the top isn't showing, and i have two counters randomly scattered on my blog...wah! *crawls up in ball in pisses on self* (not really) i wish it were all better! :(

the other day, i received a letter from my "Ethnic Counselor" at Yale...yes, believe it- my "ethnic counselor"; so if i need any "counseling" on being ethnic, (black to be specific), i'll have someone to go to...which is ESSENTIAL to having a good college experience. i also read a letter from my "Big Sib" at Yale. so that makes two so far: one big sib, and one ethnic counselor. i wonder what else i'll get...! maybe a "food counselor", fortasse (latin for 'perhaps') a "sex counselor" or "blow job counselor"...i can only hope! *wishes*

yale is getting more and more exciting. aside from having the tightest Residential Colleges, Branford, i'm excited about having the time of my life. i really haven't heard ANYTHING bad about yale from yalies.

for those of you who do not know what a Residential College is, here is a self-made tutorial:


a residential college is a fancy way of describing what they do in Harry Potter. the entire student body is randomly distributed into 1 of 12 r. colleges that the student is affiliated with for the next 4 years. like in H. Potter, the Ravenclaws live with other Ravenclaws and have social gatherings (such as the revered Ravenclaw Orgy) together...they eat together and pretty much hang out with one another...but they also get to go to classes with other Slytherins and Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors. they have Quidditch matches against each other (like us Yalies have intramurals against other r. colleges), and we predominantly mate with other members of our college (jk). so anywho, at yale, the r. college system, each of which has about 350-500 students, creates a really, tight-knit mini-community to bond within...biblically that is. i'm hella excited!! check out what my residential college, Branford, looks like here (let the thing load, click the orange tab that says "Habitat" on the side bar...and yes...that is my residential college!).

i will be living in a four person suite in, ironically, Vanderbilt Hall. Recently renovated, i will be sharing a double with one kid from CA (who has not yet contacted me *frowns*). the suite is broken up into a common room, 2 doubles and a shitter, shower, and sinks. we are totally spoiled. *smiles* (but then again, the parental units are paying 32K to send me there...so i guess i deserve to have an amazing suite!...and an amazing education...and an amazing set of sexy professors)

neenee, bapple, and i are leaving for chicago in less than 6 days. i'm really psched...i invented this game called "the Andrea Game, Pt II" where we all close our eyes and touch each other for fun. *glows with excitement* we're gonna play all night.

to faniel wcislo: i did some research, and discovered that upenn is, indeed, an ivy league. i had no idea!! i thought that only princeton, harvard and yale were ivies...well, they are the most important ones i guess. sorry for making such a careless blunder! but it was understandable, i mean, penn is down there with cornell and dartmouth! no wonder i missed it!! *laughs in a maniacally british accent*

i'm listening to damien right now...it's tight. its awesome 'chill out'/'rub one out' music. go here to learn about him and, even, buy his CD.

i guess i'm not as bad A as i thought. i was talking to neenee about when she leaves for college. it's really hitting me. i'm going to have to leave all my best friends, dane...tyler...buford, for college. and...i admit, it'll be a little bit tough. will i cry? who knows, i doubt it, but i might. its fun to get trash-ily emotional about things. i'm going to really miss this "style" of life, but i am really glad to be growing up. its about time...its about time to get loose and fuck everyone in the damn northeast coast---wait-- i meant to say that its time to learn things academically and become a scholarly scholar (yeah- that's right, a scholarly scholar is more scholar-ful than a scholar or an unscholarly scholar).

my knee really hurts from falling on the ice. *yelps in pain* and my ____ really hurts from all that ____ing.

gradually, i feel like i am gaining a better taste in music. when its all said i done, i hope to develop an undeniably supercalifragilisticexpialidocious taste in music. i would also love to be a sommelier...that would be hella tight (for all you average people, a sommelier is a seasoned wine taster who is in charge of choosing the wines to accompany your dishes in a restaurant). too bad i'm too 'allergic' to alcohol to be a lush. but i doooo love the cheese that goes with my whine!

i wish people would call me more. my cell phone feels so empty. i swear, it is only used to call other people *cries*. i am so unwanted...well, not really. people like me...people like me...people like me...*breathes in deeply and counts to ten*

ok ok. so i've bitched enough in my novel for the day. but--hey!--it's better to write in my blog than kill a kitten (tehehe) or smoke a joint (from a bong that i did not make...) *wink*

i'll catch ya'll later on the fliggity siggity (and by " fliggity siggity", i mean HELL...MWAHAHA)

shangri la di da

hmm...well, today was rather uneventful, which is why i am going to write! today, i got up and was super late for work. i didn't have time to take a shower, so i just grabbed a shirt, jeans and some cologne. work was nice today...every week, i get sad b/c i have to teach a new set of campers, but i grow to enjoy each and every one of them by the end of the classes. after all, "they're all pink on the inside." i fell on the ice, twice, today...which really did the sucky, b/c the compressors (the things that keep the ice frozen) broke and made the ice kind of wet...and when the ice was wet, grit would float to the top and make the ice really sharp and gritty! so when i fell, my hands got a bit scratched up. but, you know what they say~ "no pain, no gain."

i came home and fell asleep like a fat kid after a binge on twinkies. i woke up at 10, and i completely missed the Real World...i was hella sad!! it didn't matter that much, though, b/c the episode was on that ugly kid...umm...adam? i think that's his name. and, as stated on my site, i don't like ugly things. but neenee called and we went out to Tower Records to check out some CDs. she is addicted to CDs like i am to clothes. she listened to every CD in the booth at least 10 times...but she got some nice music in the end. i bought the Damien Rice CD "O", which is mildly depressing, but i think i like depressing music b/c i'm not really a depressed person. the music kind of takes you to a sorrow place, but doesn't make you feel sorrow-ful (is that a word?).

i burned a copy for her, and i think she's gonna burn "The Rooney" CD for me.

today is my mommy's b-day!! my grandpapa called, and, in my broken chinese, i explained to him that she was in Maine. my mommy called after i got off work, and i got to wish her a big ol "Happy B-Day, Bia!"...well, minus the 'bia'.

martha stewart is on tv right now talking about bees and honey. isn't that interesting? i love bees. i love honey. what could be better than a show about bees...bees and honey? she is such a genius. but, in all honesty, bee raising is pretty cool...espcially if you love bees (bees and honey that is!).

"i forgot how beautiful bees were...they don't mind being banged around like that, do they?"/"Now we can get onto blowing off the bees...my favorite~!" - M. Stewart

*so eloquent*

yesterday, i went to neenee's to hang out with bapple and faniel. i learned from faniel that "Mick" is a deragatory term for an "Irish-man": e.g. "That gay mick from the Real World." but, you all must remember, 'polack' is also a deragatory term...and it is "not funny"...(it's an inside joke, unless of course, you hate the damn poles too~)

i talked to lil' E on the telly...she came back from Sudan (aka Rochester) the other day. WELCOME BACK, lil' E...!

Funny Picture of the Day:
(From Me to fat-assed donhell.)


yeah, bitch, you heard me. FACK YOU!! FACK YOU, YOU FACKIN' FACK!!

Monday, July 14, 2003

to my goldfish...may you RIP

alas...what a tragedy! over the past few days, i have moped at home, trying every way possible to save my dad's gold fish...

...it all happened when Jeff, my brother's roommate, looked at our goldfish tank, admiring the grace and immense size of the 4-5 year old goldfish. These weren't just any ol' goldfish...no...they were my dad's goldfish, and he's a guy who knows how to take care of his pets. while managing to be thrifty by not spending millions of dollars on goldfish food/medicine/water treatment/etc, my father used an ingredient he knew best: TLC (not to be mistaken with 'the learning channel' or 'tina left eye lopez'...just plain ol' 'tender love and care'. he raised those goldfish to be the best adult karp they could be...but *woe* jeff decided that the water was too cold, and turned up the thermostat.

...he turned it up to 90 degrees Farenheit. *BLAST HIM!!*

the next morning, my dad's beloved fish were poached salmon.


he later bought new baby fishes, but it was as if the tank was cursed...as soon as he got new fish, they quickly died for reasons unbeknownst to us. we changed the filter and got a new water filtration system...and we thought we put an end to the euthenasia of such innocent beings...BUT NO!

a week after the new filter was installed, the fish contracted some weird disease called Ichthyopthirius multifiliis...yes, believe it...the innocent ones developed a bad case of Ichthyopthirius multifiliis. trying to salvage the lives that were left, i placed the living ones in a separate bowl, treated them to some new water (that was sanitized and dechlorinated) and a little heat to kill the bacteria. (according to the internet, it said if you raise the water to about 80 degrees, the bacteria will die and the fish will live)...but no...the next morning, all the fish were dead.

...and now my father has given up on raising fish...completely.

i hope he will regain the strength and courage to raise his prize winning fish, as he did so few months ago, but only time will tell.

May they rest in peace. Our prayers will be with them in Fish Heaven.

Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Someone's in the dog house...

wow...chris/CT, from Real World: Paris.

Nice move.

uh oh...

you are so in the dog house.

i hope you find your way out.

here's a picture, in memory of this occasion: The Biggest Real World Lie Ever Told.

arf arf...arf arf!

time for you to join your species.

Mmm...the hulk...

Dear Santa:

I would like to have one of these dolls for Christmas.

all i want from x-mas...!all i want from x-mas...!

Love, Joe


i thought i was done, but i realized i have some things to say to donnell (his name is not worthy of being capitalized):

donnell, you are a stupid, fag-assed, fat fuck, i hope you get kicked off the show for failing your damn missions b/c you are a stupid, fat fuck. i'm glad abe cussed the shit out of you, b/c you are a waste of space on the TV screen (you take up the space of like 5 normal sized cast members). you are a closeted fag who likes to fuck men in the ass, and make fun of guys who really intimidate you. thats why you projected your feelings on abe, and made fun of him before he had the chance to make fun of you.

you deserved to get pummelled you fat shit.

well deserved...GO ABE!

you are the prime example of why fat people, such as yourself, should not be put on the Road Rules. you are gonna fail so many missions...and if you don't fail any, you are going to sweat like a pig and make the RV all stinky. i hope you leave. fuck you, you lame fuck. you should be banned from television. that gap between your teeth needs to be fixed and your super fruity contacts need to go. go loose some weight...or better yet, don't eat. (or stop eating small children) (and if you didn't notice, all the missions are fat friendly for your stupid terd-assed face. thats why ya'll have passed all the missions so far).

for those of you who would like to see how this fat fuck is such a fudge packer, check out this:
(the server is down, but i'll post it later. on the RR site "what's in your backpack?", donnell likes to bring "bath and body works body spray, women's deoderant...etc. stupid fruit)

inspired by Ashley Terry's shpiel on "Top Ten Reasons Why I Love Virginia", i have created a:
"Top Ten Reasons Why I/We Hate donnell"
10. you're fat
9. you're ugly
8. you're fat
7. you're a fruit
6. you suck
5. you're fat
4. you're a dolt
3. you like cornbread
2. you're fat
1. you're fat

and to cara, FUCK YOU, TOO! you are a fucking bitch. you should loose some weight, too, and get your damn lisp fixed at a speech school. fuck you. i hope you get kicked off, too.

and to the guy about to replace Abe...you look like you're 40. go away...but i won't hate on you too much...yet. i read your profile, and you live in Nashville. us nashvillians gotta stick together. peace in the middle east...yo~

Dave, you're hot. i love you.

grab it, bitch!

and with this beauteous photo...i'm out like trout.

la voiture maudite

dearest blog:

the other day, i nearly died (again) in the beloved Mazda Millenia *damn that cursed car*. so anyway, i'm driving down to neenee's house to house-sit with bapple, and i'm just cruisin along I-65 S singing "...can you practice what you preach and learn to turn the other cheek..." AND THEN...the worst happened.

Because of the hydroplaning wreck, the front hood of my car was a tiny bit dented. everything internally, such as the engine and crap, worked perfectly, so i was still allowed to drive it...but lo' and behold-- out of no where my front windshield turns black and cracks down the center.

i am stunned. (but i manage to keep on singing)

after regaining my sanity, i realized that the front hood of my car had completely blown over the top of my windshield, cracking and covering my windshield as i am driving down the middle lane of the interstate right before the Harding Exit. i was scared shitless. i stopped the car, put on the warning lights and called my mommy....she was on her way to save me.

i pulled the car over on the side when, praying that there wasn't a stopped car in front of me (b/c i couldn't see anything with my windshield covered). i waited...waited...and waited...i called home, and my cousin, Bank, picked up the phone and told me that the parentals had left 10 mins ago. luckily, a TDOT (tennesee highway patrol guy) truck flies in to save the day, and a man got out and tied the front of my hood down with a wire to a hook in the front hood of the car. he told me not to drive more than 30 or 40 mph or else air will catch under the hood, and he also said i should prolly drive on second hand roads...and as the guy is helping me out, the parental units FINALLY get there. b/c i was on my way to neenee's, i had to switch cars with my parents, who had driven the Toyota Cressida. my dad, who really has everything go in one ear and out the other, COMPLETELY missed what the TDOT man had said, and was like "noo~ you [joe] drive the Mazda" and my mom and i were like "did you completely miss what the TDOT man had just said??" so they leave and i go to neenee's and all is fine. Elohim.

i had dinner at home with the family on Sunday night, and my brother, Yin, asks why the car is so fucked up. my mom gives the rundown but says "that's all i'm going to say. i dont' want to get into it again". and i, of course, am like "what more is there to tell?" and, as usual, my mom shpiels on what happened. apparently, after i had called home to tell the parentals that my hood had blown over the top of my car, my parents were eating dinner. immediately, my mom, after i called, got out of her chair and went to save me...my father, on the other hand, was like "no~ lemme feenish my deener" (he has an asian accent)...and my mom is like "WTF? your son is stranded on a highway...and you want me to wait 5 minutes for you to eat? screw you!" well, my dad eventually finished his meal, and that's what took my parents to long to get to the scene of the crime.

thank you mommy.

this is what the Mazda looked like pre-hydroplaning/psycho-hood-flying-over windshield:

my beloved car

*whimpers* it was my personal favorite, and my family's only nice, used car. *rest in peace* (ps. that isn't me in the car. i'm not a white male...i'm actually black).

for those that you who don't know, the car will probably be scrapped and destroyed b/c the costs to fix it are more expensive than its worth. *blows nose* the good side to all of this is that we might get a new used car. the bad side is that i have to drive the stinky Toyota Cressida (that has blackgas spray from the exhaust pipe...and accelerates at like 5mph when i have the gas pedal ALL the way down) to work. it sucks b/c when i drive on small roads, everyone cuts me b/c of the smoke and b/c the car drives too slowly. let's just hope a copper doesn't see the smoke and pull me over. i already have a court date on July 14th! here's a pic of my obselete 1988 Toyota Cressida:

wait. i can't find a picture. the car sucks too much.

anyway, my mom is leaving tomorrow to go up to Maine and party with her gal pals. she got a boquet of flowers from a secret admirer today...my dad was jealous. actually, she found some guy's suit case and mailed it back to him...so he mailed her flowers to say thanks. *how sweet!*

this picture, here, is in loving memory of Abram Boise (you might know him as Abe from the Road Rules: South Pacific). everyone, and by everyone i mean bapple and i, will miss you...you were our favorit-est and hottest on the show...and we will miss you.

my heart will go on...my heart will go on...

i feel like this picture best captures abe's free-loving spirit, and undeniable grace. Let the HTML candles burn for you eternally, signifying your everlasting presence in our hearts and memories. you shall live on.
*whimpers again...blows nose with used tissue*

To read more about Abe, check out:
Abe's Journal
All About Abe

you will be missed...may future challenges bring you back to the television screen.

and on that sad note, i will depart.


omg...me too!

how inspiring!

Monday, July 07, 2003

Colonel Lingus

wait. could anyone explain to me what this is? it's been boggling my mind for hours. please post suggestions on the tag board.
what the haaeelllll?

muchos gracias. i'm out~
shoo wee its nice to be back home! i have been away from my beloved blog, b/c i've been house sitting at neenee's with bapple (yes...me...bapple...a house ALL to ourselves...). nah. we are good kids...i swear. i'll be happy as long as we don't burn the house. this morning i went to work, which was super nice! its nice to have a reason to get up and make money! even though i'm not making very much, some is better than none; and thank GOODNESS my father has a job now! phew- i don't feel nearly as guilty about frivilously spending money. chicago is coming around in a week...as is my 18th birthday!! exciting stuff, eh? well, i'm just glad i'll be legal and i won't have to lie to my clientel about my age.

i got a letter in the mail from my "big sis" at yale. she's going to be a rising senior, and she's there to make sure that i'm cool with whats going on and to give me advice on whatever (maybe she can show me how to make a gravity bong...i can only hope).

well, i'm getting a little sleepy from staying up so late and waking up soo early (yup...11:45 am is too early for me to wake up!)

ta ta for now

ps neenee's shower is super slow and floods at the bottom, which makes it impossible to pee in the shower. *damn her!*

Friday, July 04, 2003

The Twilight Zone...doo doo doo doo...

dedicated to bapple:
my friend brought this shocking fact to my attention.

Ace or Bob Saget?Ace or Bob Saget?

OMG...is it ace amerson or bob saget...or is it ace pretending to be bob...or bob pretending to be ace...or, better yet, is ace really bob...or is bob really ace...

we can only hope that these answers will one day be answered to us. if you have any information pertaining to this subject, please comment on my tag board.

Yankee Doodle Dandy...!


every year, i feel super negative about special holidays...not negative as in "i hate this dod gammit holiday!" i mean negative as in "o. its another holiday...this is my 18th one...it's probably going to be boring." so as usual, i wasn't that psyched about the fourth of the july shebang...my mom was watching the PBS special where some symphony was playing the best of john williams, and i was on my way to go check out the fireworks in downtown with maggie and will (having felt very pessimistic about the excitement of the fireworks and reluctant to go). after the drive, maggie was busy trying to contact her posse and i watched in awe of the amazing display before me. *wow* fireworks are spectacular. every year, i forget how much i love them...but i really do! while reading cosmo, i remember some guy commenting on the smell of a vagina, saying "i wish i could put it in a box and give it as a gift." while i am not that big of a fan of vagina aromas, i would like to say that i wish i could take the overwhelming sensation of watching fireworks...the chills...the awe, and box it and sell it to poor kids in china for their souls...mwahah!

for you kids in china, i have provided you with a taste of the experience...without the expense of your soul. (yes...i know, i'm quite the philanthropist).


so anyway...today, i went to my bro's friend's house with chip...his friend lived on Golf Court Lane...which had some of the most gorgeous houses i have ever seen in my life. i wish i had one!! they had a pool in the back, and a bunch of dogs were all chillin' and playin' around the yard, so i brought chip with me. chip learned/tried to swim today...it was the cutest thing!! he tapped the water, plopped right in, flapped his arms like a bird, and i panicked and pulled him out. he was soo scared that he never jumped in the water again...shucks! i was really hoping he could learn to swim. the other JRT (short for Jack Russel Terrier) there was so much braver than chip. he would hawk himself right into that water like a little fish. maybe, one day, chip will be able to swim as well as him...
for more information on JRTs, and where to get them...or to just look at the cutest most adorablest dogs in the world click me!

Bow wow wow yippee yo yippee yay!!

Not my dog, but, regardless...still cute!!

Afterwards, i came back home for my mom's little barbeque she bang. i air layered my dad's lemon tree plant to try to propagate it (click the link to find out with air layering is). after my horticultural act of the day, i took one of the chicken breasts my mom made, and put it in an aluminum foil bag to make a special meal for myself. i put in the chicken, some teriyaki sauce, potatoes, white wine...some other stuff...and popped that mother in the grill. 20 minutes later, i had a super duper tasty meal for myself ! yum. i'm my own little iron chef!

well, since i realized i am being way too cool being my cool self...i think i'll stop for today and maybe i'll write a little more later. but for my dedicated fans, i have included a hot and special picture for you:

sad...but true

yup...the cat's out of the bag and my secret's out...i am cock. *lowers head in shame*


i am so sore. i am so sun burned. i hate the outdoors.

fresh meat

CLICK ME to hear the lovely things i have to say!!

yummy...fresh meat...can we say mullet?

...more sore than a R Kelly's 13-year-old hoe...

wow...Fiddler on the Roof...what a great movie...too bad i'm too fucking sore to anything worthwhile. the movie should be condensed into an abridged version, so that it is not 3 friggin hours long. the movie makes me wish i was jewish *sigh*...

and one more thing...i thought the japanese were supposed to be smart...hmm...

the bad batties are out there...

...i guess i oughtta be more careful for those damn BAD BATTIES!

Thursday, July 03, 2003

i break a little more than cherries...

what a good and bad day! i'm such a fucked up lame-o, i can't even wake up on time. after falling asleep at about 6:30 am in the morning, i had to wake up at 10:15 am cus i was going to neenee's boat. the alarm clocked in with "Aida" playing, and, as usual, i just slept and fell back asleep to the music. i guess it defeats the purpose of having an alarm clock that plays CDs...b/c you just sleep to the CDs. damn me! so anywhoo, i hear a bang on my door, look around, and see that it is 10:47 am and neenee and bapple are already at my house. ugh...rush rush rush...i went stuffin all my shit in a bag...and we were off!!

i just remembered...what kept me up from going to bed on time was the episode of "The Osbournes" that was taped on the same video as "The Real World: Paris". kelly and jack get in a fight (...again...i know, its original, isn't it?) and jack uses the word "confrontate" instead of "confront". for example:
"you confrontated me" and
"why did you have to confrontate me like that?"
my question is: why are the english so stupid?

the sucky thing about me in the morning is i'm a fucking bitch. i thought that a lack of sleep didn't really affect me...and it doesnt. i can put 1 and 1 together and know that it makes 2...i'm still on point...i'm just a really really angry bitch. sorry bapple- but seriously, you looked so bad in the sunglasses that it hurt...but you make it hurt soo good.

well, today was a day of firsts for me. i lost my virginity to "cliff jumping" and "water skiing" (are those new sex positions or actual activities...i bet you wanna know...tehehe). it was a bunch of fun getting enemas with lake water while i cliff jumped and dropping a water pump (which doubles as a neenee's douche bag) in the water. lucky for her, i found it online, reordered, and its one her way to her dad's house! here's an apologetic shout out to the head of the Morton family household: sorry charlie! i didn't mean to drop it...and since i'm apologizing for things, i might as well apologize to a couple other peeps whose items i have either broken or lost:

to bapple, sorry for:
a) breaking the white, glass pawn on top of the television
b) breaking your vibrator (i didn't know you weren't supposed to put it there!...sorry)
c) breaking the plate
d) breaking the glass
e) tracking in mudd when we got back home from Hilton head...i still remember your dad making me vaccuum the mud at about 5 in the morning...o the memories!
to neenee, sorry for:
a) cumming on your boyfriend
b) spilling nail polish remover on your bedside table
c) telling cool terry that you were "easy" (hehe)
d) stealing every boy friend you have
e) watching haley break the mug while she was "drunk"

wow! did that take a load off my chest (and by "taking a load off my chest"...i am not referring to wiping semen off my chest...). now i can rest in peace!

i heart ace. he rocks.
my favorite quote: "I really like XXXtina...she wears her heart on her shoulder...kinda like myself!"

now for the bad news:
when i hydroplaned on my way to pick up my brother from the airport, my mom's millenia got fucked up. the parental units took the car to the shop, and its going to be $5,625...FUCK ME *hits self in head 5-11 times in succession*. i tried not to speed so i could prevent myself from hydroplaning, and i still fucked up. fuck me! i'm a fucking idiot. here i am, going to Chicago to spend money even more, and i fucked up a car that is going to cost a little more than half of my financial aid at yale. why am i such a fuck up. wah!

for the double whammy, my mom just got in a wreck in October, and it hasn't even been a year...so if we decide to claim the 5,600 bucks on our insurance, we'll loose our insurance. if we pay for it out of our pockets, its just a hell of a lot of money to pay. what are we going to do? thank god my dad got rehired *crosses fingers*...i dont' feel as bad when both parentals are rolling in the dough.

if you wanna look at the costs...here they are:

Parts 2695.91
Body Labor 1088.00
Paint Labor 680.00
Paint Supplies 480.00
Sublet/Misc. 220.00
SUBTOTAL 5163.91
Sales Tax 457.31


times like these make me wish i lived in communist china...for some reason, i feel like it would be cheaper to have my car fixed in china.

well, i think i am going to go fuck around, eat some grub, make another bong, and watch a movie (perhaps Fiddler on the Roof).
Since i mentioned Fiddler on the Roof, here are a few links to satisfy your appetite for the Jewish culture (i just love the jews!):
Yiddish 101
A little Star Wars twist on my favorite song: check it!

and in the spirit of the moment, i shall bid thee all adieu with: A sheynem dank!! (Yiddish for Thank you Very Much).

Thanks for tuning in. au revoir!