don't look at me. i'm fat.

Saturday, August 28, 2004

i'm baaaaaaack...again...part II

back at YALE that is...baby!

btw, doesn't it rock that Yale has its own font? i wish i could download it on all computers so everyone can enjoy the loverlies of yale's very own font.

anyhow, its good to be back. aside from the fact that i had 3 renegade boxes...one full of my bedding...another full of my winter clothes...and another full of my dildos...all is good. so i moved in, and thanked to the mover's service, i had all (but three) of my boxes chillin up in my room like villains.

i unpacked them...only to find i had no bedding. so i had to sleep the first night in my sleeping bag. second night, $ lent (or lended) me his sheets and a towel, since my box with my towels was MIA, too.

i'm happy to have an on campus job this semester...and its even nicer that its 30 steps (i haven't counted) from my room...and its nicest because i can leave for work at 8 and get there at 8. haha. i made a good 125 buckeroonies the other day...and i spent it all online last night buying kiehl's, burt's beeswax junk, and those InMotion Ipod speakers. yay for me! i spend more than i can make! (i spend around 180)

o well, i'm beginning to lose any concept of money now. i dont' know why because i'm certainly not rich, but i figure: if i want something, and its reasonable, i'm going to buy it. why wait? life's too short to be a penny pincher.

and it's too long to be a flower lady and/or beggar, but still...spending money is fun. owning things are fun. owning people are even better. on a side note, $ bought me this book for my birthday called: "How to Be a Villain: Evil Laughs, Secret Lairs, Master Plans and More!!"

it is fucking hilaaaaaaaarious and rocks my world. here's my fave excerpt:
"The Concept of Evil
The first step in an evil education is to understand the true meaning of the term. The dictionary offers one definition: [and the book goes on to list that one definition]
There is more, bu you probably get the point. Evil is fiendish. Evil is malevolent. Evil is wicket. BUt isn't there more to it than that? Yes, what the dictionary cleverly leaves out is for an elect few to know: Evil is fun."

not that i am evil, but i have always toyed with the idea of becoming a super villain. i even created my new name (thanks to the book)...and a jingle!
I AM Count Doom Heart

I'm Count Doom Heart the ninja demon,
I can scare a lot of He-men,
I'll swoop and bop you on the head,
When I'm done, you'll wish you were dead!

yay! wasn't that fun? i'm Count Doom Heart. on the tibet trip, i discussed what super power i would have, if i could have one (...or maybe i already have one), and i chose VENGEANCE. i want to be "V-Man: God of Wrathful Veangance." it's just my god given gift...what can i say?

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

i'm baaaaaaaaaaaaack....

i'm back from tibet...well, i've been back since the 21st, but i've been feeling way to shitty to do anything worthwhile. SARS? strep? mono? who knows. i caught something near the end of my trip, and now i feel ridiculously shitty.

best part is: i get to leave for school tomorrow. woo fucking hoo.

so here's how the symptoms of my illness began:
for a few days, i had felt a bit exhausted...i kept on asking people "do i look red?" because i felt hot and finally after a couple of days of that business, i crashed one evening in Lhasa, only to feel that i was freezing to death. no one was in the hotel room, so i just moaned and groaned, unable to sleep.

finally, my brother arrived to the hotel room...he beckoned my mother to come, and before i knew it, there was a slew of doctors (since most of the adults on the trips were physicians) with tylenol. they pocked and prodded me and i eventually fell back sleep after my mother helped me double up on my blankets. that night, however, i woke up in a cold sweat, shivvering like a mofo...needless to say, my mom was freaking out.

long story short...i went from 105 degree fevers to extreme stomach discomfort (including loose BMs and lots of crazy explosive gas...hehehe)...to sore throat...to whooping coughs...back to 102 degree fevers...runny noses and an inability to take in deep breaths.

SARs? someone look it up and tell me if i fit the symptoms...i'd rather not know myself.

as soon as i hit the states, i started antibiotics (droxycyclin to be exact) and the stomach pains slowly withered away. now, i'm just chock-full-o-rhinorrhea, high fevers, and coughs.

yay for illness!

i haven't brushed my teeth in days because i've been to bedridden...lucky for me, my breath feels fine cus the antibiotics are taking care of it. why brush teeth when you can just take a pill every morning?

too bad there's too much to say about my trip. pictures will be up as soon as i get them up onto my shutterfly account...but aside from my illness near the end of the trip, the entire trip was amazing and i made a lot of new friends!! (...i think)

long story short, tibet really made me realize how important and significant i am in the world...ya know what i mean? like at first i thought i was an insignificant being in god's greater plan, but the chance to see the greater world really put things into perspective-- and helped me realize that i am so freaking important in the world, and that the world revolves around me. i will explain more of my profound findings later.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

...TIBET...here i cummmmmmmmmmmmm

anyway, i leave for tibet tomorrow.

i love you all.

see you soon.

Monday, August 02, 2004

o bloooooggg!

i'm so happy blog, and i'm not even on any uppers.

life is beautiful. my mom bought and ipod, and is soo hip! i'm so proud of her. i got my hot shutterfly pics in the mail, and they (and i) look really friggin hot in all of them. work isn't going too super duper well, but i am glad to finally be leaving.

two other colleagues and i are going to get 4 dollar KFC meals tomorrow for lunch. i'm so excited, it's really not cool.

i'm so pumped for tibet...its not even funny. i'm so pumped for camp yale, it, once again, is not even funny.

movie reviews:
"The Village" sucks...but in a good way (because it stars a yalie!).
"Thirteen" is fucked up.
"Starsky and Hutch" is fucking hilarrrrious. My favorite line: "Just be yourself, cus that's what's cool." (...or it goes something like that)

here's a special shout out to STEVE: hey steve!! sorry i've been bad about replying...i've just been super busy, as you can see. i guess there isn't much for me to say, since i say most shit on my blog, but i hope that everything is going well! i'm going to see helen on wednesday and maybe kristy will be there! yay! anyway, kit. joe