don't look at me. i'm fat.

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

...why am i awake...?

god. don't ask me.

it's fucking 3 in the morning. i've been up later, i know. 3 is no strange number in my repertoire of early morning bedtimes, but tonite, seeing as it was my first seder, i thought i'd get an early start to my evening my chizzillin in my bed and getting some early ZZZs, cus, to be frank, school up until it gets out is going to blow. ya know why? 'cus there's a midterm next week...a 10 page paper due the next...and a freaking robot that "deactivates land mines" after that.

but, alas. sleep is a little too much to ask for in the wild wild west. (translation: there was a fucking shit show going in and out of my room. please forgive me, but my hearing abilities have been both a gift and a curse. it is because of my ears that i hear things, and when something is loud, it (this might seem a bit unnatural) WAKES ME UP. I CAN'T EXACTLY SLEEP WHEN A SHIT SHOW IS MIGRATING IN AND OUT OF THE FUCKING ROOM. six words to your mother: "don't be sorry; don't do it.")

anyway, there's my bitch fest, and believe me, in this situation of not only being angry and groggy, it could be a bit worse...but i never intended for the blog to get too personal.

ANYWAY. on a fucking LIGHTER note, i had a first seder tonite.

jews are so neat. i guess 5,000 years of evolution (if thats what you want to call it) creates some interesting traditions. the nastiest thing, however, was the chicken neck on the plate that looked like a strange animal phallus. forgive my wandering mind, God. i know not any better. i got to do the whole pinky dippin in manischewitz, and the crazy wild dancing and naked orgy, and the best part: drinking christian children's blood from a golden chalice in the shape of a brazen vagina. if there's one thing i've learned here at yale, it's that jew's know how to have a good time.

so, what to do now? now that i'm awake and its 3 in the morning, you'd think there was someting for me to do. o wait, a second, I DIDN'T WAKE MYSELF UP.

pissed and moody, tired and exhausted,



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