don't look at me. i'm fat.

Monday, April 26, 2004

The Epiphany

i don't know if i spelled epiphany right, but i must say...right now...that Juvey has raised his status in the ranks of "Blog Nicknames."

Introducing, the newer, and just as cool Juvey of 2004..."The Prophet."

Through a series of tasks and trials, Juvey has proven himself to, truly, be "The Prophet." He is gifted for knowing that which we, lousy simpletons, do not know. I would call him "The Messiah", but that's just too old school--i think "the Prophet" sounds way cooler.

So, in celebration of this notable event, i shall use The Prophet's name in the context of a story. Last night, having chased the dragon with Sportscenter and DiB, The Prophet and some mexican girl (whom we shall call E. Quintana) came by and "challed" with us as we watched, or tried to watch, Zoolander and You Can Count on Me. It dawned on me in this moment of lucidity that Juvey was hardly Juvey, and more like The Prophet as he began to recite countless proverbs and forbodings of the future...things that only A PROPHET could know.

crazy shit, huh?

Anyway, i don't really remember much of my life or my weekends. to update you on what i do remember:
I finished my Study of the City paper on Nashville.
I ended up in the 3rd quartile AGAIN on my math midterm...NOT GOOD AT ALL. (i just don't want a C!!!)
I sold myself to the Arabic guy who runs Gourmet Heaven.

Anyway, it's really late, and the bed is calling my name...(wait. thats the strange black man under the covers...not my bed). I DID draw the single, so i will be living in my OWN room next year...!!! i haven't worn my retainer in 3 days...but it's cool. retainers aren't really that cool anyway.

i've been uber-depressed since Olde Blue, the thursday night hangout spot, has been closed the past two weeks, and i haven't gotten my weekly dosage of grain, absinthe, sambuca, and tequila. waah. it was the highlight of my week, and now it's closed.

on one of the day this weekend, i don't remember which, i played my FIRST game of beer pong/beirut with Stacerrama...and we DID kick some ass together! we beat Shers and Sars...and tied with Bookie and R.Kosy. I was quite proud of myself. i did lost in flip cup :(

i JUST realized now that i have SOO much work to do in the shop tomorrow for mechanical engineering. i might as well camp in with the flower lady this weekend...and, because the weekend is up, i just mean "the week." the robots have to be ready by wednesday!

i wish people who read my blog would post on the tag board and/or leave comments in the comment boxes at the bottom like LeeAnne. It would really make this site a hell of a lot more fun.

much love to my peeps in South Cetral--wha-what!

(HIGHLIGHT of last nite: watching a GBB beat up a SWB in the show down of a life time! like i said last nite, "it's like watching the dance of the sugar plum fairies!" needless to say, the SWB got his ass WHOOPED by the GBB. go 'cello! DARIEN! WHA WHAT!)

OO YEAH- i saw Kill Bill Vol. 2. WHAT A FUCKED UP MOVIE. that's all i can say.


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