don't look at me. i'm fat.

Thursday, March 31, 2005

fast food songs

this whole new wave of fast food songs, with special guest appearances from C-list celebs, such as Brooke Burke, for Burger King has really caught/got me off guard...emphasis on the "got me off" portion.

it reminds me, of course, to the good ol' days of fast food marketing songs. for example:
"to all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun." to those of you who can't internally hear the "jingle" of sorts in your head-- i promise you, it's a song. i mean, it's really just a listing of ingredients, but some brilliant man (or woman) managed to doodle up a diddy for it. probably the same brilliant man who writes all of Ashlee Simpson's songs...

but wait. thereshmore! howabout this one:
"hold the pickles, hold the lettuces, special orders don't upset, all we ask is that you let us have it your way...have it your way...have it your way..." this is a burger king song, circa 1997 (i believe)...in fact, i really just made up a date because i wanted to use the word "circa." it seems as though using songs to market your product, particularly fast food, is coming back into the spot light.

in other news, i'm so fucking glad that its fucking thursday...as it officially marks the beginning of my weekend.

and in other, other news, i've been very unimpressed with my hits to the blog. i think i'll need to change the title soon, as i have lost many-a-hit because the search engines have probably realized that my site is not, in fact, XXX free kinky porn XXX. damn you, google...damn you...


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