...once again...
Yet another response from our international viewer:
Dearest Joe,
If you were *knowledgeable* at all, you would have taken the time to even so much as mouse-over my e-mail address and take note of the .ca at the end of my e-mail address. Or perhaps you would have searched the domain to see what it was all about. For a "smart" guy, you are certainly no Sherlock.
If you're going to have a blog full of "facetious statements that are not intended to be taken literally," it might be a wise investment to say so.
Oh, and I came across your blog because it was at the top of the most recently updated blogs when I attempted to login to update my own.
Peace (not war),
LeeAnne | Email | 04.21.04 - 8:16 pm | #
Dearest LeeAnne:
My blog is usually read by people who know me, and/or people who stumble upon my site through looking up XXX FREE KINKY PORN XXX--which happens be the title that attracted you to my site in the first place (your chikky monkey!).
I thought that the contents within my blog made it explicitly obvious that it was "facetious". Even though you took my banter on Yale seriously, I wish you had also commented on the line: "its the admitted students day when all the prefrosh come over from all over the world, get naked, and have a huge orgy in the middle of Old Campus, while chanting in sync at the large inflated bull dog in the middle of the yard." I could have explained to you that that line, too, was a joke, and was not intended to be taken literally.
Regarding your statement considering the "wise investment" of pre-advising viewers of the facetious nature of this site, I have to say I have never had any one take offense. Is it because people are not verbal enough, or because people don't take my blog that seriously? Maybe the overall percentage of the population viewing my blog has a sense of humor.
Excuse me and my American blood. It is in me, you see, to immediately wage war upon others: I know you are carrying weapons of mass destruction, and you probably are a member of the axis of evil. JUST KIDDING!! I really don't think you are a terrorist. That was just a joke.
You have inpsired me to start telling people when I tell a joke, so as not to offend the people I don't know.
Anyway, to get back on topic, I had trouble discerning your origin because even though you spelled honor differently,your commentary had errors (e.g. you used "praise" instead of "appraise"). As far as being a "Sherlock", my lack of ability to stalk you and find out where you were from stems from the fact that I am actually stupid, and I had to sleep with an admissions officer to get into Yale (JUST KIDDING--THAT WAS ANOTHER JOKE!!).
I am glad that we are best friends now!! Write back soon!
Dearest Joe,
If you were *knowledgeable* at all, you would have taken the time to even so much as mouse-over my e-mail address and take note of the .ca at the end of my e-mail address. Or perhaps you would have searched the domain to see what it was all about. For a "smart" guy, you are certainly no Sherlock.
If you're going to have a blog full of "facetious statements that are not intended to be taken literally," it might be a wise investment to say so.
Oh, and I came across your blog because it was at the top of the most recently updated blogs when I attempted to login to update my own.
Peace (not war),
LeeAnne | Email | 04.21.04 - 8:16 pm | #
Dearest LeeAnne:
My blog is usually read by people who know me, and/or people who stumble upon my site through looking up XXX FREE KINKY PORN XXX--which happens be the title that attracted you to my site in the first place (your chikky monkey!).
I thought that the contents within my blog made it explicitly obvious that it was "facetious". Even though you took my banter on Yale seriously, I wish you had also commented on the line: "its the admitted students day when all the prefrosh come over from all over the world, get naked, and have a huge orgy in the middle of Old Campus, while chanting in sync at the large inflated bull dog in the middle of the yard." I could have explained to you that that line, too, was a joke, and was not intended to be taken literally.
Regarding your statement considering the "wise investment" of pre-advising viewers of the facetious nature of this site, I have to say I have never had any one take offense. Is it because people are not verbal enough, or because people don't take my blog that seriously? Maybe the overall percentage of the population viewing my blog has a sense of humor.
Excuse me and my American blood. It is in me, you see, to immediately wage war upon others: I know you are carrying weapons of mass destruction, and you probably are a member of the axis of evil. JUST KIDDING!! I really don't think you are a terrorist. That was just a joke.
You have inpsired me to start telling people when I tell a joke, so as not to offend the people I don't know.
Anyway, to get back on topic, I had trouble discerning your origin because even though you spelled honor differently,your commentary had errors (e.g. you used "praise" instead of "appraise"). As far as being a "Sherlock", my lack of ability to stalk you and find out where you were from stems from the fact that I am actually stupid, and I had to sleep with an admissions officer to get into Yale (JUST KIDDING--THAT WAS ANOTHER JOKE!!).
I am glad that we are best friends now!! Write back soon!
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