don't look at me. i'm fat.

Monday, April 12, 2004

guess where you can find ME on a monday night...?

okay, you get three guesses.

where in the world is joe?

1) in another person's bedroom/pants/shower?


2) in the flower lady's bedroom/pants/shower?


3) in the AZN Toad's?


Up until Wednesday, which is the date of my fateful MultiVar Midterm, i will be in the AZN Toads, more familarly recognized as "CCL" or "Cross Campus Library" to those of you who are not as social as you may want to be or are not as social as you wish you were.

anyway, i decided to take a little break. i went to a couple math review sessions today....i tried to sollicit sex for exam answers...but i should've learned my lesson the first time in 3rd grade: you just get screwed in the end, no pun intended.

can i just say...something fucked up happen, and before i even knew it, my blog is clockin in on an average of 30 hits a day. who are you people? who are these 30 kids on average that happen to stumble upon my site?

i am guessing its the "XXX FREE KINKY PORN XXX" that's gettin everyone. HAHA! suckers.

so i went to another math review session today from 7 to 8:30 taught by some english "bumbling idiot" who, while he was english, sounded really stupid and said "uh..." after every other word. he had the handwriting of a fourth grader and the capacity to teach of a child with down syndrome. now that i think about it, maybe he was a fourth grader with down syndrome.

don't get me wrong. he was a good looking chap, which is probably the reason why there were like 10 girls (who, might i add, could also be considered "bumbling idiots") that sat in the room, asked stupid questions, and tried to look as smart as possible in front of the english math teacher. needless to say, i am glad that i have the math professor that i do. and he doesn't make me sleep with him to get good grades...or salvation...

last nite, my roommies and i had a "The Facebook" competition, to see who could get the most friends and highest number of vicarious connections to other people. while i am in the lead, i fear that SportsCenter and/or Juvey might be able to topple my reign, seeing as that they have lots of friends who went to other ivies. at my high school, no one knew what an Ivy was...or how to spell it. oo Nashville, how do i love thee...let me count the ways...anyway; if you go to yale, please sign up. i'll be your best friend forever. and besides, it's free!!

so. to my faithful viewers/people who stumble upon my site...thank you for visiting me. and if you go to yale and you aren't really my friend but i requested you to be on my list, just understand: you are only a number to me, and nothing more; you don't have to worry about me getting too attatched.

keep it real like veal.


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