don't look at me. i'm fat.

Friday, July 04, 2003

Yankee Doodle Dandy...!


every year, i feel super negative about special holidays...not negative as in "i hate this dod gammit holiday!" i mean negative as in "o. its another holiday...this is my 18th one...it's probably going to be boring." so as usual, i wasn't that psyched about the fourth of the july shebang...my mom was watching the PBS special where some symphony was playing the best of john williams, and i was on my way to go check out the fireworks in downtown with maggie and will (having felt very pessimistic about the excitement of the fireworks and reluctant to go). after the drive, maggie was busy trying to contact her posse and i watched in awe of the amazing display before me. *wow* fireworks are spectacular. every year, i forget how much i love them...but i really do! while reading cosmo, i remember some guy commenting on the smell of a vagina, saying "i wish i could put it in a box and give it as a gift." while i am not that big of a fan of vagina aromas, i would like to say that i wish i could take the overwhelming sensation of watching fireworks...the chills...the awe, and box it and sell it to poor kids in china for their souls...mwahah!

for you kids in china, i have provided you with a taste of the experience...without the expense of your soul. (yes...i know, i'm quite the philanthropist).


so anyway...today, i went to my bro's friend's house with chip...his friend lived on Golf Court Lane...which had some of the most gorgeous houses i have ever seen in my life. i wish i had one!! they had a pool in the back, and a bunch of dogs were all chillin' and playin' around the yard, so i brought chip with me. chip learned/tried to swim today...it was the cutest thing!! he tapped the water, plopped right in, flapped his arms like a bird, and i panicked and pulled him out. he was soo scared that he never jumped in the water again...shucks! i was really hoping he could learn to swim. the other JRT (short for Jack Russel Terrier) there was so much braver than chip. he would hawk himself right into that water like a little fish. maybe, one day, chip will be able to swim as well as him...
for more information on JRTs, and where to get them...or to just look at the cutest most adorablest dogs in the world click me!

Bow wow wow yippee yo yippee yay!!

Not my dog, but, regardless...still cute!!

Afterwards, i came back home for my mom's little barbeque she bang. i air layered my dad's lemon tree plant to try to propagate it (click the link to find out with air layering is). after my horticultural act of the day, i took one of the chicken breasts my mom made, and put it in an aluminum foil bag to make a special meal for myself. i put in the chicken, some teriyaki sauce, potatoes, white wine...some other stuff...and popped that mother in the grill. 20 minutes later, i had a super duper tasty meal for myself ! yum. i'm my own little iron chef!

well, since i realized i am being way too cool being my cool self...i think i'll stop for today and maybe i'll write a little more later. but for my dedicated fans, i have included a hot and special picture for you:

sad...but true

yup...the cat's out of the bag and my secret's out...i am cock. *lowers head in shame*


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