Dear Guys,
Here’s the thing. You really—quite blazingly, actually—keep blowing your chances. It’s actually unbelievable to me, because of how simple it is, how little effort on your part it would require to sleep with me. Not just sleep with me, I might add: take my virginity.
I know—it’s a draw, right? One would think. Apparently not. At least, not without my expressly saying: “Hey—wanna sleep with a virgin?”
This is the thing: I would like to lose my virginity while I’m still 18 (by early May) for purely personal and rather silly reasons. However, I don’t want to just sleep with any random person—it wouldn’t be a good example to set for my future children (whom, by the way, I in no way plan on having with you). I’d like to be able to tell them I was in a relationship, if not in love. On the other hand, I don’t need to be in love, and seeing as I’m in a bit of a time crunch, I don’t imagine I will be. And that’s fine, too.
But there is an aspect to it’s that quite important—I need to respect myself in the morning. Which means that I need to experience some semblance of a relationship—which is where you come in.
This is what I need from you: I need you, at the end of the first time we meet, to ask me for my phone number. I need you to call me within three (3) days, and I need you (with me) to set up some sort of date-like thing for the following weekend. We will go on this date, and I—in order to not seem like a slut—will not do more than kiss you at the end of this date. Although this kiss can last for a while. Depending. But things will progress accordingly, and, if you return my calls in a timely fashion, maintain a good level of personal hygiene, and avoid playing excessive mind games (very mild mind games can be hot), I will sleep with you (you! My first! I’ll remember you forever!) within one (1) month—and probably before that. I do not need any of the following: expensive dinners, “creative” dates, endless compliments, declarations of love. Sounds good, no?
The amusing thing is that everyone will agree that I’m not asking for a lot. However, the last two Yale boys I’ve been interested in have flunked out early on. One neglected to ask for my phone number (silly boy—I’m sure he’s kicking himself now), and the other has neglected to call within the standard three day interval since the first coffee date. He has a few more days before he’s entirely too late, but already, he has a strike against him (unless he comes up with a really great excuse) that will require the lengthening of the schedule. If only he knew how close he was!
I’m not going to give you my name or phone number, because A) I will get a number of skeevy phone calls, and B) an integral part of the plan is that you not realize that this is indeed my plan, because then you would think of me as a slut. So here’s my advice: just to be safe, treat every girl you meet as if she might be me—with respect, interest, and general coolness. Because she might be me—and sleep with you.
Did I mention that I’m beautiful?
See you soon,
A freshman virgin