don't look at me. i'm fat.

Monday, February 16, 2004

The Talented Mr. Afinyanafongs

positive quote for the day:

"heidey ho, neighbor"
--Wilson, from Home Improvement (19??-2003)...yeah...the guy's dead. not so positive any more, is it?!--

today was a very progressive, sexually fervent day, full of propositions and quickeys in the bathroom with TAs. this, of course, translates to "this was a productive day, where i got a lot of sleep, and caught up on a lot of homework". i finished:
1) half of my Chinese HW due Monday
2) Math homework due Thursday
3) ...and that's it...

...but still! it's better than nothing. tomorrow, i am gonna get started on my Chinese HW due thursday, and all that jazz...i'm on top of it man...I'M KING OF THE WORLD!! *jumps onto the edge of the bed, arms spread out, wind blowing through my hair...*

so, strange strange STRANGE occurence today upstairs...never have i witnessed such a display of immaturity in my life.

the players: Adobe, C-dog, and YingYang.

the set: Vanderbilt, C-42

the plot: "three guys, Adobe, C-dog, and YingYang, all get mad at one another, and fight each other for reasons unbeknownst to the viewers. a very, existential "rosencratz and guildenstern are dead" interpretation of the laws governning the nature of shooting plastic dart guns. "

"truly riveting...ground breaking performance" -- NY Times film critique, David Denby
"absolutely controversial! two thumbs up!"-- Ebert and Roepert
"...it [was]...good..." -- God

Oscar winning? i can only pray. the Academy better watch out!!

so, a little thing i noticed today: if one pays careful attention to the away messages of Ramma and N8, you can almost keep up with the progression of their relationship. as if the PDA's weren't enough, Episode II: Clone of the Attack, is a little less on the side of creating PDAs (since i'm not usually there to witness the 'P' part), and more on the side of creating e-PDA's...like via-internet PDAs...the Public Displays of Affection OF THE TWENTY FIRST CENTURY. yeah buddy! you heard it FIRST, on Joe's Blog...

i totally just coined a new phrase...e-PDA...only qualm...it kinda looks like a condensed acronym for a deadly disease...though, in some ways, i guess it is...

if you wanna see something HOT, click this.

...now, if you wanna see something REALLY REALLY HOT, click this.


by the way, hottest line of the day, as quoted by bapple when referring to his roommate, Tudor, at College of Charleston (a school that is sometimes never called "The Ivy League of Charleston, South Carolina"):
bapple (2:02:34 AM): david said he questioned his sexuality when i was gone last week, cuz he missed me so much

i caught it first: the biggest homophobes are always the biggest homos. it's out, Tudor, the world (and by world, i mean those who read my blog) now know that you are gayer than aids...(i know...it's un-PC, but HELL, since when was this blog supposed to be PC?)

FINALLY, my petition to add a class to my course schedule for credit was FINALLY approved...AND i got a really good 3 hour nap that came out of no where...AND $ and I came up with the revolutionary design scheme for Branford's spring/winter line 2004; here's the theme: squirrel. check it. the new line will include:
1) BR monogrammed purses
2) squirrel fur-line argyle socks
3) squirrel kimonos
4) branford knitted scarves
5) coon hat...but instead of coon, (we don't want to kill any people...)...we'll use squirrel
6) hermes silk/squirrel-lined handkerchiefs

i think the branford knitted scarf is a little out there...tell me if you have any suggestions. of all the things we have to offer...WHO THE FUCK WOULD WANT A KNitTED SCARF??? tHAT'S SICK!!!

Here's how much Sawah loves me:
SawahBoyYet (2:11:58 AM): I kill you
SawahBoyYet (2:12:25 AM): I'm-a EAT YOU

Gabriel: goodbye...Priscilla.
(Gabriel's line to Bookie...who's Priscilla you ask? HIS EX!! MWAHAHAHA)


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