don't look at me. i'm fat.

Sunday, February 20, 2005


i got some of the worst sleep of my entire life last night, despite the fact that i had bacardi with cola and five ambien.

i kept on waking up, intermittently, and had the most FUCKED up dream that i got in a fight with my dental hygenist. it was really weird. he wasn't operating or something, and i got really mad at him for wasting my time, and banded with other people in the waiting room to start a walk out. and he bitched at me and i remember shouting, "yea- yale, class of 07, bitch!"

i really don't get it either.

had a loverly brunch this morning with an english crew, including keifus, bonkster, stef, OCD, meena, etc. some topics of conversation included: death stares and why you get them when you wear t-shirts that say: "B is for Bitch"; what are kurds and am i allowed to respect them; how much is that doggy in the window; driving nice cars on automatic (you know who you are...); and finally receiving cunnilingus from a pregnant sea monkey. the get together put me very far behind in regards to studying for my macro midterm on monday...

...woooeeee is meeeee....

goddamn fucking midterms. what happened to the days of highschool, where all i had to do was turn my cheek and look at the person's test next to me? (ha. who am i kidding? i would've done better guessing than cheating off of someone in highschool~ pah!)

i'm really smart.


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