don't look at me. i'm fat.

Saturday, February 05, 2005


haha. i don't know what has possessed me. perhaps the "updating my blog" in 05 is the new "not updating my blog" of 04.

needless to say, not much has happened. sophomore year is just so anti-climactic...i mean, not to the point of a blue balls, but somewhere in the middle. the hum drum of everyday lulls...i find myself enjoying certain classes like "differential equations" and "physics" and spend weekends snorting random substances and chasing dragons.

i went to go see "the marriage of figaro" yesterday at the Met. as yale has given me many firsts, i had the chance to experience my first opera. i will say, it wasn't as good as my first hit of ecstasy or my first hit of a jewish child's blood, but it was, nonetheless, entertaining. i'm suprised that 300 years ago, people were like hella stoked about going to the opera...in the way that i'm hella stoked to get blasted/blazed/destroyed by controlled substances.

haha. i really sound like an addict, huh? in the words of some girl on the street, "you don't know me! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ME!"

hrm. what are the good things i have done for myself? well, i started doing the squash thing again. and by "doing", i mean playing like once a month (so i think i've played...um...once this year...?). i can't find people to play with because either A) they aren't any fun to play with B) they are better than me or C) they don't take credit cards.

maybe i should put out an add in the newspaper? perhaps: "S.A.M. Looking for A.H.B. to go to P.W.G. and P.S." or "Single Asian Male looking for Another Human Being to go to Payne Whitney Gym and Play Squash." or does it mean "Single Asian Male looking for Any Hot Bitch to go to Play With Gypsies and Punch Samurais." Is that too much to ask? woe-

so, in lieu of squash playing, i have found a new projection of my frustrations. i used to deal with my problems. then i started drowning them in subtances. now, i drown them in exercise.

yes. you heard it correctly. exercise. i, joe, am exercising. i decided that it was probably unhealthy that whenever i played squash, i ended up extremely sweaty with my heart beating in my head...after 10 minutes of game play. HAHAHA.

so in the last week, i've brought up my running mileage from around 1.5 to 2.5. yay for me!! i'm hoping to get up to a good, consistence 4 miles at the end of the month. this way, when i have the chance to play squash, i'll at least be able to play my little heart out!

in other news, i am lame.

there's your update, bitches.


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