don't look at me. i'm fat.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Ode to a Grecian Mina

ok ok...so following today's theme, i have decided to write yet another tribute to Mina..."the girl with the heart of stone"...(so poetic...)

so i had my first internet encounter with The Mina, and i have officially applied to become her personal vanity mirror. i worked really hard on the application, and she said that admissions this time of year are really really competitive, but she also said that i stand a good chance, seeing as that i have a blog in which i can publicly profess the greatness that is The Mina.

**all kneel before her...**

so it's a bit creepy i know, but sometimes, you have to accept your position in life.

let me elaborate:

my intuition was talking to me the other night, and was like "hey- i know your calling in life" and then it stopped talking to me. so i waited and waited for my intuition to talk to me again, and then myself told me "hey. your calling in life is Mina"...and i ALWAYS trust myself and what i tell me. i can only hope that The Mina will accept me and my decision to have the gracious honor of becoming her personal vanity mirror, but she said she can't guarantee anything...

IF ONLY SHE COULD GUARANTEE MY LOVE. (i know...it makes no sense...but i thought it sounded really pathetic, so i used it).

anyway, on an honest note, i think a lot of girls should take some notes on The Mina...the Dao of Mina if you will...and i guarantee, you will maximize your number of hookups and minimize your number of heartbreaks ten-fold.

and if there are any hot lesbians worthy of The Mina, please drop a note; she needs a little more attention from the lesbian population.

..and, O Great Illustrious One, if i could have the permission to link your shutterfly pics for all the world to see, the world woudl truly be a better place...



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