don't look at me. i'm fat.

Monday, February 23, 2004

...i know...its really late...(late, in this context, connotating the literal word: "early")

...by the way, is it "connoting" or "connotating"...and did i spell it right?

some yalie who reads my blog oughtta be able to figure that out.

anyway, i was so recently dubbed by Froggy to be "Prurient" as in, "My new nick name is Prurient Joe." This name was conjured after he noticed my unnatural obsession and fascination with the blood orange, as i proceeded to tenderly peel the lustful fruit, and comment with passionate seduction on the juxtoposition of colors...the crimsons against the yellow hues...it was HOT...i tell ya...FRIGGIN HOT. but now, berkeley is out of them. shit.

so here is a quick def of prurient before i go to bed. if you feel this word great defines my character as a person and/or robotic being, please tag the board or leave a little comment on this post.

Main Entry: pru·ri·ent
Pronunciation: -&nt
Function: adjective
Etymology: L prurient-, pruriens, present participle of prurire to itch, crave; akin to Latin pruna glowing coal, Sanskrit plosati he singes, and probably to Latin pruina hoarfrost -- more at FREEZE
: marked by or arousing an immoderate or unwholesome interest or desire; especially : marked by, arousing, or appealing to unusual sexual desire
- pru·ri·ent·ly adverb

Entry Word: prurient
Function: adjective
Text: Synonyms LUSTFUL 2, concupiscent, goatish, *horny, hot, lascivious, libidinous, lickerish, passionate, satyric
Related Word bawdy, erotic, lewd; sensual

by the way, bookie doesn't care to care about me. fuck you.


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